Spec Fic Focus on Portal Fantasy

Spec Fic Focus on Portal Fantasy

Even if you’re not an avid fantasy reader, chances are you’ve read or watched a portal fantasy book or movie. There’s a pretty good chance that it was the most famous international example of the subgenre: The Chronicles of Narnia, in which a group...
August Speculative Fiction Round-up

August Speculative Fiction Round-up

August was a quieter month on the reviewing front. In part this is due to the contrast with the double round-up I did for June and July, and in part because of an event the Australian speculative fiction community held during August. The Snapshot of Australian...
April Round-up of Speculative Fiction

April Round-up of Speculative Fiction

We had a nice spread of reviews this month of seventeen different speculative fiction books. For a change, I shall note them in alphabetic order by author. The YA Aurealis Award-winning In the Skin of a Monster by Kathryn Barker was reviewed by Jennifer...
January Speculative Fiction Round-up

January Speculative Fiction Round-up

The year is off to a good start with sixteen reviews of speculative fiction books already submitted in 2016. Well done, everyone! We had quite a spread of subgenres too, including… Paranormal/fantasy romance  Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman,...
YA Speculative Fiction Round-Up: June – July 2015

YA Speculative Fiction Round-Up: June – July 2015

Welcome to the June and July 2015 round-up of YA Speculative Fiction! There were only four reviews submitted for in this period. Avicenna Crowe’s mother, Joanne, is an astrologer with uncanny predictive powers and a history of being stalked. Now she is missing. The...