Welcome back to the March Round Up for Young Adult reads in 2019. Each month has seen books read for this audience climb slowly – going from nine in January, to eleven in February and twelve in March. Many of these books cross over into other genres, so chances are, they might be appearing in other genres and round ups. Feeling a bit pressed for time this month, I am focussing on three of these reviews.
Some books reviewed have been out for a while, and others are new or recent releases. To begin this month, I have decided to start with a new release review from Bree at “One Girl, Too Many Books”, who review What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillame.
This book is on my TBR pile, and Bree’s review has me wanting to go and grab it right now and I would – were it not for the pressing books to read from work to get through! But I will get there, and hopefully soon.
The next review I would like to focus on is from Emily at AÂ Keyboard and an Open Mind, who reviewed Small Spaces by Sarah Epstein. This is not a book I have heard of, but the review gives a good overview and feel for what to expect from the book, and how it fits into the world of Young Adult literature and why Emily enjoyed it. This was another good review for the month.
The third review I’d like to focus on is from Amanda Barrett, and she reviewed Love, Lie, Repeat by Catherine Greer. Another one I had never heard of, and also a new release for this month of March, I thought it would be interesting to include it. Drawing on a 1974 novel from Margaret Atwood, and from what I can tell from the review, hinting at Greek mythology, but set in Australia, Love, Lie, Repeat has various themes that literature often explores and an intriguing story line. Amanda’s review is one that gives a good insight into what it is like to read Young Adult as an adult reader and trying to connect with the characters whilst still enjoying the storyline.
Another great review for the month. There were many more but these were the three that stood out to me, and hopefully, the others will be covered in other round ups.
Small Spaces is a fabulous read, I’m pretty sure I gave it 5 stars
I think you did, I can’t remember all the ratings,