by Ashleigh Meikle | Jul 21, 2021 | Round-ups
We’re halfway through the year, and a brief look at the stats shows that Children’s and Younger readers up to middle grade has had the most entries – though some middle grade books have been classed as Young Adult – the argument could be made that some a borderline....
by Ashleigh Meikle | Jun 16, 2021 | Round-ups
We are almost halfway through the year, and the number of young adult books read this month has been on trend with previous months -with twenty-one children’s books read, and thirteen reviews for young adult books were entered. Most of the books were different,...
by Ashleigh Meikle | May 19, 2021 | Round-ups
Welcome to another edition of the Children’s and Young Adult Round Up! Another month gone, and many more books read with some interesting statistics. We were down to twenty from twenty-three for kids’ books and had eight young adult entries. So in terms of numbers,...
by Ashleigh Meikle | Apr 21, 2021 | Round-ups
A quarter of the way through the year, and we’re back with the round up! This month we had 23 reviews for books aimed at children and younger readers, and 9 for young adult readers. Each category had quite a variety that it was hard to choose which ones to highlight....
by Ashleigh Meikle | Mar 17, 2021 | Round-ups
We’re into March now, and in Australia, we’re living in a COVID-normal world of check-ins, tests, and social distancing. Yet we are still reading, and our numbers for younger readers and young adult books are tracking to be fairly similar. We had ten reviews for...