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33 Books Found
The Cedar Tree
Historical fiction (set before 1980)
. Historical fiction (set before 1980)
Rise Of The Fallen
Speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, paranormal)
. Speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, paranormal)
Busted Out Laughing: Dot Collard's Story
History, memoir or biography (non-fiction)
. History, memoir or biography (non-fiction)
Jo Tamar 26/12/2017
Historical fiction (set before 1980)
. Historical fiction (set before 1980)
A Most Peculiar Act
Historical fiction (set before 1980)
. Historical fiction (set before 1980)
Alfred's War
General fiction (set after 1980)
Historical fiction (set before 1980)
. General fiction (set after 1980)
Historical fiction (set before 1980)
Tessa Wooldridge (Thoughts from an Idle Hour) 12/10/2020
Jess @ The Never Ending Bookshelf 30/12/2019
Kate - Underground Writers 08/11/2019
Jess @ The Never Ending Bookshelf 30/12/2019
Kate - Underground Writers 08/11/2019
General fiction (set after 1980)
. General fiction (set after 1980)
Baby Business
General fiction (set after 1980)
. General fiction (set after 1980)
General fiction (set after 1980)
. General fiction (set after 1980)
History, memoir or biography (non-fiction)
. History, memoir or biography (non-fiction)
Our Birds - Nilimurrunga Wayin Malanynha
Non-fiction - other
. Non-fiction - other
Jess @ The Never Ending Bookshelf 30/12/2019