by Stories from the Archive | May 12, 2023 | Fiction
by Jeannie Gunn (1870-1861) On Wednesday, Stacey Roberts discussed “Aboriginal domestic servants in colonial women’s fiction”, and mentioned the following “washing day” scene from Jeannie Gunn’s The Little Black Princess. Roberts’...
by Stories from the Archive | Apr 28, 2023 | Fiction
by Helen Simpson (1897-1940) BOOK ONE (i) The year, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. The place, Sydney; a city whose streets were first laid by men in chains for the easier progress of the soldiers who guarded I them. This city, growing slowly about a population of...
by Stories from the Archive | Nov 4, 2022 | Fiction
by Evelyn Blackett (1863-1943) A young woman forgoes her chance of love for the sake of her family. An oppressively hot February afternoon, the air above lay still, and the earth seemed as silent and lifeless as if suddenly dispeopled and forgotten. The sea was at...
by Stories from the Archive | Jul 1, 2022 | Fiction
by Mary Grant Bruce (1878-1958) Mary Grant Bruce’s juvenilia, including her short story, “Her Little Lad”, featured in our Wednesday essay this week. As her work is still in copyright it can only be extracted here. The full story can be read on...