by Elizabeth Lhuede | Dec 1, 2016 | Teasers
Have you read Abigail Ulman’s Hot Little Hands (2015)? It’s a collection of nine self-contained stories which, as Kim Forrester from Reading Mattters describes in her review, “are about teenage girls or young women trying to find their way in...
by Elizabeth Lhuede | Nov 4, 2016 | Teasers
With so many books to choose from, how do you decide which book to take down from the library or bookshop shelves? Is it the cover? The title? The publisher’s blurb? Or do you only go shopping for a book on the recommendation of a review or from a friend? The...
by Elizabeth Lhuede | Oct 20, 2016 | Teasers
Do you ever read a review and want to read a book by the reviewer every bit as much as the book being reviewed? Some reviews make me feel like that. This review by Jennifer Cameron-Smith of Gillian Polack’s The Wizardry of Jewish Women (2016) is one. Jennifer...
by Elizabeth Lhuede | Oct 6, 2016 | Teasers
Sometimes you read a review and it makes you want to race out and buy the book. That’s how I felt after coming across Whispering Gums’ review of Sarah Kanake’s debut novel, Sing Fox To Me, a story which makes the most of its “gothic”...