Constance Clyde, and “The paying back”
by Whispering Gums A post in our series featuring works published in 1924 (or by authors who died in 1924). This post’s subject is a short story titled “The paying back” which was published in The Australasian on 26 July 1924, by the Scottish-born...Tasma, Uncle Piper of Piper’s Hill
[wives are] to be petted and made much of when things are going well, and to be severely knocked about when anything goes wrong.
AWW Generation 1, 1788-1890
Following my last post The New Woman in Australia, I provide here an annotated list of our earliest women writers
Tne New Woman in Australia
It is not possible to write about early Australian women writers without mentioning, and relying on, the work of Dale Spender, in particular, Writing a New World
Mary Simpson, The Old Place (short story)
by Elizabeth Lhuede Another in our series of posts on works published in 1924. Mary Simpson, short story writer and dramatist, was born in Stalwell, in Victoria, in 1884. She began publishing in the early 1900s, and her last work, a play, appeared in 1940. In 1953,...J.M. Stevens, and “The butterfly symphony”
by Whispering Gums A post in our series featuring works published in 1924 (or by authors who died in 1924). This post’s subject is a short story published in The Queenslander on 16 February 1924, by the Queensland-born writer, J.M. Stevens....Australian Suffragists
Suffragism was state (colony) based up until Federation on 1 Jan 1901, and voting rights for the first federal election were based on voting rights in the individual states
Janette M. Bomford, That Dangerous and Persuasive Woman: Vida Goldstein
By Janine Rizetti. [Vida] was mainstream middle-class, stylishly dressed and a very capable public speaker, and she spearheaded the ‘No’ case during the Conscription referendum campaigns.
Clare Wright, You Daughters of Freedom
By Sue/Whispering Gums. Australia was a leader in women’s suffrage by being the first nation to legislate suffrage for all white adult Australian women, without property qualifications, and to enable those women to stand for parliament [but] it was just for white women.