The Australian Women Writers Challenge now has its own online newspaper. The aim is to spread news of books by Australian women, including reviews posted for the challenge, as well as recent releases, competitions, interviews and other articles of interest.

The paper is generated automatically by the @auswomenwriters account on Twitter, and draws from tweets which use the hashtag #aww2014. (If you’re on Twitter and are reviewing for the challenge, don’t forget to use this hashtag – your link might find its way into the paper.)

This means people who aren’t on Twitter won’t miss out. All you have to do is subscribe to the paper and you’ll receive a short daily summary via email.

aww news

To see the newspaper, go to this link. To subscribe, click on the “subscribe” button in the top right corner. You can also share the paper on other social media (e.g. Facebook and Google+, as well as Twitter) by clicking on the “share” button. It all helps to spread the word.

And remember, you can find links at any time to reviews written for the AWW challenge, past and present, by exploring our Review Listing Page.


Note: The AWW team is looking for volunteers to help keep the Review Listing Page up-to-date. If you would like to find out more about what’s involved, please leave a comment below.