AWW Generation 2, 1890-1920 (list)

AWW Generation 2, 1890-1920 (list)

by Bill Holloway An annotated list of Australian women writers who began writing in the ‘Bulletin years’: when ‘native’ Australians began to assert their independence not so much from Britain, as from the old class-based structures, and women...
The Bulletin years, 1890-1920

The Bulletin years, 1890-1920

In Australia the spirit of the nineties and early nineteen-hundreds… took the form, in the literary as in the social and political worlds, of a fervent democratic nationalism (HM Green)

Eleanor Mackinnon, The Red Cross Bell (poem)

Eleanor Mackinnon, The Red Cross Bell (poem)

by Elizabeth Lhuede Another in our series of posts on authors with works published in 1924. Eleanor Mackinnon (1871 to 1936) is better known for her charitable work and political activities than she is for her writing. Born Eleanor Vokes Irby Addison, a descendant of...
Tne New Woman in Australia

Tne New Woman in Australia

It is not possible to write about early Australian women writers without mentioning, and relying on, the work of Dale Spender, in particular, Writing a New World