Clare Wright, You Daughters of Freedom

Clare Wright, You Daughters of Freedom

By Sue/Whispering Gums. Australia was a leader in women’s suffrage by being the first nation to legislate suffrage for all white adult Australian women, without property qualifications, and to enable those women to stand for parliament [but] it was just for white women.

Capel Boake and “The Grey Streets”

Capel Boake and “The Grey Streets”

by Elizabeth Lhuede Another in our series of posts on works published in 1924 (or authors who died in 1924). Melbourne writer Doris Boake Kerr (1889-1944), who published under the pseudonym of “Capel Boake”,  is already known to AWW readers; Whispering Gums, aka Sue...
Catherine Helen Spence

Catherine Helen Spence

a member of a church which allows women to speak in the pulpit, a citizen of a State which gives womanhood a vote for the Assembly, a citizen of a Commonwealth which fully enfranchises me for both Senate and Representatives