Non-Fiction & Poetry: Yearly Wrap Up 2021
Hello 2021 Readers! 2021 has been a strange and often hard year for many of us. I shan’t be sad in bidding it adieu. For myself, I had to put a research project I wished to finish many months ago on hold due to ill health. I achieved only half of my reading goal and...
Non-Fiction (General) Round Up: September 2021
Hello Readers! For September there was: 9 Reviews, 6 Reviewers, and 9 Books Reviewed (1 of which was poetry). Wonderfully 6 of these 9 books were first-time reviews. Thank you for adding them to the database! The most prolific reviewer was Katie Elder here on Instagram with 4 books reviewed. The most reviewed title this month was…all of them! As each title was reviewed once.

Non-Fiction (General) Round Up: August 2021
Hello Readers! For Non-Fiction in August there was: 6 reviews, 5 reviewers, and 6 books reviewed (2 poetry). The most prolific reviewer was Brona at Brona’s Books with 2 books reviewed. The most reviewed title this month was all of them! As each title was reviewed once. As always, click on the coloured quote from a review to be taken directly to it. And a quick reminder: this round up includes poetry submissions despite their not being non-fiction. It just came out in the wash that way!

Non-Fiction (General) Round Up: June & July 2021
Hello Readers! For Non-Fiction in June & July there was: 14 reviews, 10 reviewers, and 14 books reviewed (3.5 poetry). Each month was fairly comparable with 6 reviews for June and 8 for July. Of all 14 books that were reviewed 5 were new to the database. Covering a great variety of topics, these included 4 non-fiction titles Songspirals, Who Gets To Be Smart, On Shirley Hazzard, Wolf Hall Companion, and Toxic, as well as one poetry Retrospective.