by whisperinggums | Dec 8, 2021 | Round-ups
As many of you know by now, AWW is changing focus next year to older women writers, that is, to 19th- and 20th-century authors who may not have achieved prominence in their lifetimes, or whose works have been forgotten and/or overlooked. This is not to say that...
by whisperinggums | Nov 9, 2021 | Round-ups
With October under our belt things are returning to COVID-normal in Australia, though there are still ups and downs, some restrictions in place, and general all round uncertainty about what happens next. But, it’s nearly summer (here down under) and we are still...
by whisperinggums | Oct 13, 2021 | Round-ups
So September has been and gone, with New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT, spending it all in lockdown. However, as I write this in October, New South Wales is “relatively” free again, as will the ACT be at the end of the week. Things should be freer in...
by whisperinggums | Sep 8, 2021 | Round-ups
Little did I expect when I commented in my July round-up about New South Wales and Victoria still being in lockdown, that we in the ACT would have joined them. What to say, except let’s hope we will be out of it soon and that no-one else will be in it? Anyhow,...
by whisperinggums | Aug 11, 2021 | Round-ups
Little did I expect when I wrote the June round-up that so much of eastern Australia would still be in lockdown in July, and yet, here we are with Victoria in lockdown number 6, and Sydney (and other parts of New South Wales) in an extended lockdown. Oh well, such is...