Classics and Literary Round-up: June 2021

Classics and Literary Round-up: June 2021

Halfway through the year, and that darned pandemic just keeps throwing us curve-balls, doesn’t it? I hope – wherever you are – you are trucking ok. How great that we are all readers, that we have something to take us away to other lives and worlds...
Classics and Literary Round-up: May 2021

Classics and Literary Round-up: May 2021

May 2021 is quite a different month to May last year. The pandemic had started but we had no idea how long it would last. We still don’t know, but we know more about it now, and have some strategies for managing it. That’s a good thing. Bookselling stats...
Classics and Literary Round-up: April 2021

Classics and Literary Round-up: April 2021

And so the year rolls on, with a third of it gone. Can you believe it? I’m pleased to report, however, that the Challenge in my neck of the woods seems to be going well, with a goodly number of reviews this month. I’m even more pleased that there is a...
Classics and Literary Round-up: March 2021

Classics and Literary Round-up: March 2021

Interesting! March seems like a big reading month for the challenge. In 2019, 2020 and again this year, we had over sixty reviews for literary fiction and classics posted to the challenge, significantly more than the preceding Februarys. Why is this? Is it that autumn...