Miles Franklin, writer and activist
No I would never marry. I would procure some occupation in which I could tread my life out, independent of the degradation of marriage.
No I would never marry. I would procure some occupation in which I could tread my life out, independent of the degradation of marriage.
by Miles Franklin. Old Kajmackalan,a Kosciusko of these regions, which a year ago felt in one of the fiercest battles of the war, already has a crown of snow, some weeks old.
I went to bed the first night filled with enthusiasm to speak Serb and learn more of such winning gentlemen.
These comments of a camp cook upon experiences gained as a voluntary member of the army of the British Red Cross are submitted unpretentiously for what they are worth as a document of the war.
by Debbie Robson. Scottish surgeon Elsie Inglis (1864-1917) put her hand up but was told: “My good lady, go home and sit still.”