1930s A-L

The list below provides links to texts by Australian women writers published in the 1930s with surnames beginning A-L which are available either to be read online or for download. They are organised alphabetically by author.

Links below are to Trove unless otherwise stated. Note: for State Library of Victoria (SLVIC) digital collections, access conditions apply.

< Texts by Australian women published in 1920s

Adams, Bertha Southey aka Bertha Adams, B. S. Adams, Mrs T C Brammall, Bertha Southey Brammall, Bertha Brammall; b. 1877 Hamilton, Tas; d. 1957 Sydney, NSW; biographical snippet (21 Mar 1936); widowed 1945 (ref)
A cup of tea (1939, poem; first prize for set of verses on a homely object )
The airman (1933, poem; note included: These verses were written and dedicated to the intrepid Herbert Hinkler on the occasion of his first flight to Australia. He wrote personally to Mrs. Brammall, thanking her for them. )
The custodian by B S Adams (1933, short story)
Good-bye (1939, poem)
The minah (1937, poem)
The old mill (1937, poem)
Hinkler in Italy (1933, poem)
The pioneer (1933, poem; note included: A tribute to Philosopher Smith [James Smith], the discoverer of Mr. Bischoff, who was the first to take the trail on the West Coast Road, on foot, in 1882.)
Proposal and answer (1936, poem)
The song of the Derwent (1938, poem)
Stay (1935, poem)

Anderson, Ethel, aka Ethel Campbell Louise Anderson, Mrs Austin Anderson; b. 16 Mar 1883, Lillington, Warwickshire, England; d. 4 Aug 1958, Turramurra, New South Wales. The AustLit database lists over 160 works for Anderson. During the 1930s, Anderson had work published in The Home: an Australian quarterly, Art in Australia, Manuscripts: the book nook miscellany, and elsewhere. [Work in copyright until 2028.]
Admiralty: garden of rocks and winds (1936, prose)
Beauty’s votary: the poet laureate’s last poem (1930, prose)
Pan’s garden: a landscape with one, fugitive (1935, short story)

Aston, Matilda Ann aka Aston, Tilly b.11 Dec 1873, Carisbrook Vic; d.1 Nov 1947, Windsor Vic; obituary 3 Nov 1947
A resourceful man: why bother about handicaps? (1938, prose)
Old timers: sketches and word pictures of the old pioneers, Lothian Publishing Co., Melbourne, 1938, 148 pp.
On writing a book (1939, prose)
The rainbow (1935, poem)
They also read who cannot see (1939, prose)

Baily, Elsie Marion. aka E. M. Baily, Elsie Marion Croll d. 19 Nov 1974, Sydney, NSW.
Birds of a feather (1937, short story, crime)
The chains of yesterday (novella) published 4 May 1935 as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel and available on Trove.
Before the dawn (published in The Australian Women’s Weekly 1934)
Lure of the yellow dust (1937, serialised novel)
Outcast of Eden, Sydney: Johnson, 1933, 252 pp. (downloadable as pdf)
Passing the love of women (1934): intro; ch1; ch1 (cont.); ch1 (cont.); ch2 (cont.); ch2 (cont.); ch3 (cont.); ch 3 (cont.); ch4 (cont.); ch5 (cont.); ch5 (cont.); ch6 (cont.); ch7 (cont.); ch7 (cont.); ch8 (cont.); ch8 (cont.); ch9 (cont.) – poor scan quality; ch9 (cont.); ch10 (cont.); ch11 (cont.); ch11 (cont.); ch12 (cont.); ch12 (cont.); ch13 (cont.); ch13 (cont.); ch14 (cont.); ch15 (cont.); ch15 (cont.); ch16 (cont.); ch17; ch17 (cont.); ch18; ch18 (cont.); ch18 (cont.); ch19 (cont.); ch19 (cont.); ch20 (cont.); ch20 (cont. final).
Wings of the morning (1937): ch1 (1 May); 8 May; 15 May; 22 May; 29 May; 5 June; 12 Jun; 19 Jun; 26 Jun; 3 Jul; 10 Jul; 17 Jul; 24 Jul; 7 Aug; 14 Aug; 21 Aug (final).
Wings of mystery (1939, novel/serialised)

Baker, Kate b. 1861; d. 1952
The East-West trek: ‘Norther Affairs’ takes a journey (1932, nonfiction)

Ballantyne, Gina b. 1916, Adelaide, SA; d. 1973, Central Coast, NSW. Winner of the CJ Dennis Memorial Society Prize. Associated with the Jindyworobaks.
A cat-astrophe (1935, prose)
All in a day’s outing (1936, short story)
At Parramatta Park (1936, poem)
Australian poetry (1936, nonfiction/correspondence)
Before moonrise (1937, poem)
Easter Daisies (1934, poem)
Crimson Rose (1937, poem; triolet competition entry)
Christmas emblems (1935, poem)
Collecting poems (1936, prose)
Contrast (1937, poem)
Fog on Sydney Harbour (1935, poem)
Giant Christmas trees (1934, poem for children)
Hardenbergia (1938, poem)
Lament of a striving poet (1937, poem)
Marayong (1938, poem)
On the harbor (1936, poem)
The power of beauty (1936, poem)
Recaptured (1937, poem)
The return (1936, poem)
Rising mists (1936, poem)
The rolling rock (1936, poem)
Scrapbooks (1938, prose)
Seagulls on Sydney Harbour (1935, poem)
The side path (1935, poem)
The source of inspiration (937, poem)
Spell of September (1937, poem)
To a poet (1936, poem)
To Autumn (1938, poem)
The victor (1934, poem)
Warning to a crocus (1938, poem)
Wind at Botany Bay (1938, poem)
Winter’s mirth (1935, poem)

Barnard, Marjorie b. 1897; d. 1987. Part of writing team M Barnard Eldershaw – see separate entry)
First prize (of a lottery winner) (1937, short story)
Only the poet (1936, column)

Barrymore, Freda aka Freda Sternberg; b. c. 1880, Tas; d. Jan 1971, Sydney, NSW. Throughout the 1930s, Barrymore wrote a regular book review column for The Townsville daily.
The late Isobel Ramsay (1930, prose)
Melba the woman – intimate glimpses – incidents of busy life (1931, prose)

Baverstock, Florence aka Florence Blair, Louisa Florence Blair, Cleo; b. 1860; d. 1937
Married women workers (1934, short nonfiction)
Old Samoan customs: the days of the Stevensons (1933, short nonfiction)

Bavin, Edyth birth name Edyth Ellen Winchcombe; aka Edyth Ellen Banin, Lady Bavin; b. 1879, Surry Hills, NSW; d. 1942, Vaucluse, NSW; obituary 18 Nov 1942.
A number of things: difficulties of a collector (1930, prose)
Albert (1930, poem)
An Interrupted interview (1933, poem)
An old treatise: manners of English ladies (1930, prose)
Angling the trout: a fisherman’s wife who tells (1934, prose)
Belinda said ‘won’t‘ (1931, poem)
Christmas Morn – en famille (1934, prose)
Christine (1933, short story)
Copenhagen: fountains and market (1932, prose)
Crumbs for mousie (1930, poem)
Taking the ‘D’ out of domestic duties (1933, prose)
Elizabeth Anne (1930, poem)
Home-signs (1932, poem)
Home for Incurables’ is too hopeless (1933, prose; has pen drawing of author)
Indian lullaby (1932, poem)
It isn’t easy (1934, poem)
Jennifer Jane (1933, poem)
Midnight (1932, short story)
The mouse family (1930, poem)
Music week: open air possibilities (1930, prose)
No. 5. (1933, short story; illustrated by Dorothy Ellsmore Paul)
Progress: must it spell ugliness? (1930, prose)
Sussex by the sea (1939, prose)
Wet weather (1931, poem)
What will I be? (1932, poem)
When I’m grown up (1931, poem)
William, an old-fashioned gardener (1931, prose)
Winter in England: its beauty and charm (1932, prose)

Bedford, Ruth aka Ruth M Bedford b. 2 Aug 1882, Petersham, NSW; d. 24 Jul 1963, Paddington NSW.
The birthday cake (1931, poem)
Bond or free? (1933, poem)
The Brownings: a great love story (1932, prose)
Bush flowers (1933, poem)
Fugitive (1931, poem)
On the ocean wave: life aboard ship (1930, prose)
Pavlova (1931, poem)
The silent meeting (1932, poem)
Timothy Turveydrop (1933, poem)
The voracious vegetarian (1933, poem)

Bell, Enid S; b. 1889, Boonah, Qld; d. 1965.
Camp draft 1932: the bushman’s carnival at Warwick, Qld (1932, prose)
The Chalo well (1932, short story)

Bellette, Jean a.k.a. Jean Mary Bellette; b. 1909 Hobart, Tasmania; d. 16 Mar 1991 Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain; also artist and illustrator
Port of call: a tale of waterside love (1934, short story)

Bennett, M M; birth name: Mary Christison; aka Mary Montgomerie Bennett; b. 8 Jul 1881, London, Eng; d. 6 Oct 1961, Kalgoorlie, WA
Australian Aborigines, a plea for eduction (1936, correspondence)
Native women as chattels, playthings of men (1936, prose)
Native women as chattels, playthings of men II (1937, prose)
Native women as chattels (conclusion) (1938, prose)

Bevan, Beatrice Vale birth name: Beatrice Vale; also writes as Mrs Willett Bevan, B V B; bo. 1876, Vic; d. 1946, Adelaide, SA. Obituary 13 Apr 1945.
A Christmas carol (1930, poem)
Adam Lindsay Gordon (1937, prose)
Adam Lindsay Gordon (1938, dramatisation)
Advent: a Christmas story (1931; poetical dramatisation)
Back to Gawler (1936, poem)
Christmas, 1930 (1930, prose; For the Children ; writing as BVB )
The deathless army (21 Apr 1933, poem; A tribute to the Anzacs )
Gallipoli (1931, poem)
Killed in action (29 Apr 1932, poem; For the children page)
The landing (29 Apr 1936, poem)
Lines for Violet Memory Day (1932, poem)
Mother’s Day, 1930 (1930, poem)
Mrs W R Milne: an appreciation (1933, prose)
Violet Memory Day 1933 (1933, poem)

Birkett, Winifred.
Three goats on a bender, published 29 October 1938 as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel and available on Trove.

Bjelke-Petersen, Marie aka Marie Caroline Bjelke-Petersen; also writes as B.P. and B-P. b. 23 Dec 1874, Jagtvejen, Copenhagen, Denmark; d. 11 Oct 1969, Lindisfarne, Tas.
Dusk (1933, novel; published in Australian’s Women’s Weekly; dust jacket)
Moon Minstrel (1935, novel; published in Australian’s Women’s Weekly)
Selecting characters for a book (1935, prose)

Blackburn, Doris; birth name: Doris Hordern; aka Doris A Blackburn, Doris Hodern; b. 18 Sep 1889, Auburn, Vic; d. 12 Dec 1970, Melbourne, Vic.
The tree I planted (1939, poem)

Blewett, Dorothy; wrote as Ann Praize; b. 1898, Northcote, Vic; d. 1965, Melbourne, Vic.
A voice on the telephone (1931, short story)
Allured the assured (1931, short story)
April and October (1931, short story)
The river flats of Jildee (1935, short story)
Vision (novel; available via AustLit website – conditions apply)

Boake, Capel aka Doris Boake Kerr b. 29 Aug 1899; d. 5 Jun 1944. Essay including a discussion of Boake’s work, 2009.
Anzac Day (1930, poem)
Birth of a novel: the spinning of ‘The dark thread’ (1936, essay)
Christmas lilies (1932, poem)
The dark thread (1936, novel)
Desire (1932, poem)
Jenny (1930, short story)
The last song (1938, short story)
Roads (1932, poem)
Rose Aylmer (1930, short story)
Sad case of Miss Brown (1939, short story)

Brand, Mona; a.k.a. Mona Alexis Fox Brand; Mona Alexis Fox; b. 22 Oct 1915 Sydney, NSW; d. 1 Aug 2007 Sydney, NSW
Christmas party (1936, short story)
On wings of gold (1932, short story)
Wheel and bobbins (1938, poetry collection)

Brewster-Jones, Rebecca b. c1850s; d. c1943
Bolero (1931, drama and poetry)

Bridges, Hilda, birth name: Hilda Maggie Bridges; aka Hilda M Bridges; also writes as Joan Gardiner. b. 19 Oct 1881, Hobart, Tas; d. 11 Sep 1971, Hobart, Tas.** Biographical article, The Australasian (17 Jun 1939).
The chairs (1934, short story)
Chinese jade (1930, serialised in The Sydney morning herald)
Conisby’s corner (1930, serialised in The age)
Dead fires (1939, serialised in The advocate [Burnie, Tas])
Derelict island (1938, serialised in The advocate [Burnie, Tas]
Distant fields (1933, serialised in The Sydney morning herald)
Efficiency (1931, short story)
The house with the black blinds (1930, serialised in The Brisbane courier)
The house with creaking doors (1931, serialised in The Sydney morning herald)
The Indian chest (1931, serialised in The Australasian)
Just different (1930, short story)
Luck (1930, short story)
The lucky charm (1933, for children; serialised in The Australasian)
Men must live (1937, serialised in Examiner [Launceston])
Petals on the stream (1939, serialised in The Australasian)
Secret house (1933, serialised in The Sydney morning herald)
Success (1931, short story)
The thistle (1935, short story)
The will (1930, short story)
Will any listener? (1934, short story)
Windbreaks (1936, serialised in The age)

Bulcock, Emily, birth name: Emily Palmer; aka Emily Hemans Bulcock, Emily H Bulcock; b. 28 Jul 1877, Tinana, QLD; d. 4 Sep 1969, Qld. Bulcock was a prolific poet who had many individual poems published during the1930s in The Brisbane Courier, and elsewhere.

Campbell, Anita b. c 1910 NSW
Magic (1935, poem for children)

Carey, Anna (1904?-?).
Experience (1931, poem)

Chadwick, Dorothy,**
Young April, published 26 Feb 1938 as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel and available on Trove.

Chinnery, Sarah; birth name: Sarah Johnsont Neill; also writes as Blanche Bay; Barringtonia, Progress, Sonia Chinnery; b. 1887 Belfast, Northern Ireland; d. Mar 1970, Melbourne Vic; arrived in Australia 1937. Her diaries were published posthumously as Malaguna Road: the Papua and New Guinea diaries of Sarah Chinnery (1998).
Empire day in New Guinea (1932, prose)
In and about Rabaul (1934, prose)
Nature’s obelisk – monument to a thousand storms (1933, prose)
The poettery ships go trading (1934, prose)

Clark, Marjorie aka Georgia Rivers. b. 1897 Melbournce, Vic; d. 1989, Melbourne, Vic.
Crinoline comedy (1931, short story, romance)
Desperate ills (1933, short story)
It’s hard to say, isn’t it? (1939, short story)
Pianissimo (1930, poem)
The pinch of pepper (1933, short story)
Smooth management (1930, short story)
The unborn (1930, poem)

Clyde, Constance. See entry for Constance McAdam.

Collins, Naomi b. 1875-?, McLaren Vale, SA
Early Wimmera settlers (1946, prose; includes some biographical information)
Healing work (1938, poem; Orwell, Lillimur, Vic. )
Home links and other poems (1937, poetry) – link to SLVIC digital collection

Cottrell, Dorothy; birth name: Ida Dorothy Ottley Wilkinson; aka Ida Dorothy Ottley Cottrell; b. 16 Jul 1902, Picton, NSW; d. 29 Jun 1957, Florida, USA.
Earth-battle (1930, novella serialised in The Australian woman’s mirror): 4 Feb; 11 Feb; 18 Feb; 25 Feb; 4 Mar; 11 Mar; 18 Mar; 25 Mar; 1 Apr; 8 Apr; 15 Apr; 22 Apr; 29 Apr (final).
Wilderness orphan (1937, story for children serialised in The school magazine)
Winks: his book (1934, novel for children)

Crist, Alice Guerin, birth name: Alice Guerin; b. 8 Feb 1876, Ireland; d. 13 Jun 1941, Toowoomba, Qld. Arrived in Australia 20 Jan 1879; biographical snippet 21 Feb 1935; obituary 17 Jul 1941.
A little git o’ green (1933, poem)
All saints (1931, poem)
An Irish night (1931, poem)
An old garden (1931, poem)
Armistice Day (1932, poem)
Australia – 1931 (1931, poem)
Candlemas (1932, poem)
Centenary of the Sisters of Mercy (founded by Catherine McAuley, 1931) (1931, poem)
Constance Le Plastrier (1938, prose)
Corpus Christi (1931, poem)
The day we celebrate (1930, poem)
Downlands (1937, poem)
Earth-bound (1931, poem)
The grief of a nation (1936, poem)
Jubilee greetings (1933, poem; written for the Golden Jubilee of the Sisters of St Joseph, Glen Innes )
The memory of the dead (25 Apr 1935, poem)
Men of good will (1930, poem)
The old trail (1934, poem)
The passing of Hinkler (1933, poem)
Poppies of peace: Armistice Day (1931, poem)
Remembrance (26 Apr 1933, poem)
St Patrick’s eve; in Codford Camp; England, 1917 (1930, poem)
To my country (1931, poem)
— [Untitled: Armistice poem] (1932, poem: They are at peace – at peace – those gallant dead )

Cross, Zora aka Zora Bernice May Cross, Bernice Smith, Z. C. Bernice May, Adelaide Stree, B May, Mary Glenbrook, Zora C Smith, Rosa Carment and Daisy M. b. 18 May 1890 Eagle Farm, QLD; d. 22 Jan 1964, Glenbrook, NSW. [works in copyright until 2034]
A family affair (1939)
Aren’t women cats? (by Rosa Carmen ; 1930)
Aunt Deborah’s romance (1930)
The brooch (1938)
Christmas Creek (by Bernice May ; 1931)
Doris Egerton Jones: the woman and her work (by Bernice May ; 1930)
Edith Sterling Levis (by Bernice May ; 1930)
The experiment (1930)
Good Australians (1933)
Island fever (by Rosa Carmen ; 1930)
Jean Devanny (by Bernice May ; 1930)
The lady of a thousand songs (by Rosa Carmen ; 1930)
The lonely guest (1931, short story)
Nina Lowe (by Bernice May ; 1930)
Norma L Davis (by Bernice May ; 1931)
The portrait (1938)
The punch of Kampape (1930)
The ‘song-makers’: a worthwhile book of verse by Nora McAuliffe (1938, review)
The swamp (1938)
This love business (1930)
White Australia (1930)
Writer and librarian: a long-distance talk with Gertrude Hart (by Bernice May; 1930)

Curran, Margaret, birth name: Margaret Toohey; b. [1877] Colinton, Qld; d. 1962, Toowoomba, Qld.
Ephemeral (1933, poem)
Women in public life (1930, prose)

Cusack, Dymphna a.k.a. Ellen Dymphna Cusack; also writes as Atalanta; b. 21 Sep 1902 Wyalong, NSW; d. 19 Oct 1981 Sydney, NSW
The gateway (1930, short story)

Dalziel, Kathleen, birth name: Laura Kathleen Natalie Walker, aka K Dalziel, Kathleen Womersley, Kathleen Walker; b. 1881, Durban, SA; d. 1969, Ivanhoe, Vic; arrived in Australia c. 1887. In the 1930s, writing as K Dalziel and Kathleen Dalziel , Dalziel had a number of poems published in The Sydney morning heraldThe Australian woman’s mirror, The Australasian, The weekly timesThe Sydney mail, Brisbane courier and elsewhere. (AustLit database lists over 400 works in total for Dalziel in total.) Her poem, The plum tree , was accepted for inclusion in The world’s fair anthology (1939; ref).
A mood (1932, poem)
The abandoned homestead (1931, poem)
After all (1931, poem)
At the tram stop (1936, poem)
August (1939, poem)
Blackberry harvest (1938, poem)
Daybreak in the bush (1938, poem)
Finis (1930, poem)
Fires (1930, poem)
The forest (1932, poem; scroll down to view)
Graves of the pioneers (1930, poem)
Grey afternoon (1933, poem)
If (1930, poem)
If [2] (1939, poem)
The last time (1931, poem)
Loneliness (1930, poem)
The lilac tree (1931, poem)
The little hour (1930, poem)
The mahogany ship (1930, poem; In 1837 the skeleton of a mahogany ship was seen lying on the sand dunes at Warrnambool. the sand drifted over her, and subsequent efforts to find the remains of the vessel have failed. )
Mimosa (1936, poem)
Monotony (1930, poem)
The mountain (1931, poem)
On the headlands (1932, poem)
The other woman (1932, poem)
Past forty (1932, poem)
Prescience (1931, poem)
Rain (1930, poem)
Rain on the dust (1931, poem)
Rivals (1930, poem)
The rock (1930, poem)
Virginia creeper (1930, poem)
White midnight (1932, poem)
Wife-of-all-work (1931, poem)

Dark, Eleanor a.k.a. Eleanor O’Reilly Dark; also writes as Patricia O’Rane; b. 26 Aug 1901, Burwood, NSW; d. 11 Sep 1985 Katoomba, NSW
The biffer rising (1935, short story)
Curtain (1935, short story)
Hear my prayer (1934, short story)
Man of honour (1932, short story)
The murder on the ninth green (1934, short story)
Unfaithfulness (1931, short story)
Victims: a ten-minute story (1930, short story)

Daskein, Tarella Quin, aka Mrs Daskein; birth name: Tarella Ruth Quin; aka James Dare; James Adare; Tarella Quin Daskein. b. 1877, Wilcannia, NSW; d. 1934 Author biography from The World News in 1913. Quin wrote many novels and collections, many of which are not available online but maybe accessed via SLNSW. [work out of copyright]
The camel (1935, prose; tells of a strange terror )
Talking of ghosts: a short story (1936)

Davies, Edna aka Edna Irene Davies; b. c1896 d. 22 Dec 1952; author and journalist from Minlaton, SA (ref); death notice with age; obituary
A Christmas story (1934, short story)
Cows (1934, short story)
Dealin’ and bargaining (1937, short story)
Fairy tales (1931, short story)
Happy Christmas (1931, short story; faint print)
It’s different for men (1933, short story)
Martha Poynton’s road (1937, short story)
Norah: a simple story of a horse deal (1935, short story)
Rain (1935, short story)
Scrub (1935, short story)
Stones (1934, short story)

Dawson, Fyvie b. 1905, Sydney NSW; moved to England
Better a dinner of herbs (1935, short story)
The cactus flowered (1936, short story)
The death of winter (1934, poem)
Twixt cup and lip (1935, short story)

De Conlay, Olive b. 1882, Warwick, Qld; d. 16 Oct 1935, Warwich Qld; Obituary (21 Oct 1935); member of the Sabbath School staff of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Warwick (ref).
A woman has her pride (1931, short story)
After many years (1930, short story)
Christmas at the corner (1933, short story)
Heaven For two (1930, short story)
Her last tramp (1930, short story)
The hero (1934, short story)
How Christmas came to the Smiths (1931, short story)
It was Anzac Day, a lonely mother wiped her tears away (1932, short story)
The missing codicil (1933, short story)
Polyanthus for Polly Ann (1931, short story)
Shopping for Ethel (1931, short story)
Sweet William (1932, short story)
Their beano (1930, short story)
The transformation (1934, short story)
The tunic, miracle worker, Anzac Day memory (1931, short story)
The wreath (1930, short story)

De Mole, Evelyn b. 1875 SA; d. 1953
For the young in heart (1936, poetry collection; children’s)

Deamer, Dulcie* aka Mary Elizabeth Kathleen Dulcie Deamer, Dulcie Goldie. b.1890; d.1972.
A dark wave breaks (1934, short story)
A love-story of Babylon (1930, short story)
The bride of the laughing ghost (1931, short story)
The empty house (1932, short story)
The end of the masquerade (1932, short story)
The greater marriage (1930, short story)
Lavinia’s birthday (1931, short story)
The man who was not afraid (1931, short story)
The sirens (1931, short story)
Young orpheus (1931, short story)

Dick, Isabel; birth name: Charlotte Isabel Atkins; aka C I Atkins, C Isabel Atkins, Charlotte Isabel Dick, Mrs Ronald Dick; also writes as C I D; C I Dick. b. 24 Jun 1881, North Hobart, Tas; d. 12 Sep 1959, Hobart, Tas. Biographical pararaghs (18 Jul 1945)
The merciful (1937, short story)
Romance comes to Vaucluse: a tale founded on fact (1933, short story)

Doyle, Ruby Mary; aka Ruby Doyle, Ruby M Doyle b. 1887, Gunnedah, NSW; d. c1943, England
A little bit of England (1938, prose)
A trip to the Bulga: Ellenborough Falls (1931, prose)
An English spring (1939, prose)
Back to Bandon (1931, short story)
Black Head (1931, prose)
Bliss House (1931, short story)
Boating on the Barrington (1931, prose)
The bridge (1934, short story)
The bush fires (1939, short story)
The CWA: a country sketch (1930, prose)
Dungog on the Williams (1930, prose; Glimpses of Country Life series)
The English garden (1938, prose)
The flame (1935)
Gambler’s luck (1930, short story)
Gresford, on the Patterson (1931, prose)
Hans Anderson’s love story (1930, prose)
His relations (1930, short story)
The Hunter River (1930, prose)
Ideal gardens at Olympia (1938, prose)
— Inheritance (1938, serialised in Weekly Times): 30Jul; 6Aug; 13Aug
.— The invisible guest (1934, short story)
The little corner shops of London (1938, prose)
The long white road (1930, short story)
The magpie’s nest (1931, short story)
The mist (1931, short story)
Mountain beauty (1931, prose)
Mr Browning (1935, short story)
The old house (1935, short story)
Olympia: the greatest exhibition in the world (1938, prose)
The orange feather (1938, short story)
The orchard (1930, short story)
The parlour (1931, short story)
The peaceful beauty of Dungog (1933; prose; Glimpses of Country Life series)
Peggy O’Shannon (1934, short story)
The precipice (1930, short story)
River song (1939, prose)
Sally (1930, short story)
The seance (1931, short story)
Sleepy hollow (1931, novella serialised in The Wingham Chronicle): 12Jun; 19Jun; 26Jun; 3Jul; 10Jul; 17Jul; 24Jul; 31Jul; 7Aug; 14Aug; 21Aug; [28Aug no instalment]; 4Sep; 11Sep; 18Sep; 2Oct (ch15); 9Oct; 16Oct; 23Oct (ch16); 6Nov; 13Nov; 20Nov; 27Nov; 4Dec; 11Dec; 18Dec; 22Dec; 29Dec: missing issue.
Snow (1939, prose)
Snow on the ranges (1936, short story)
Spring cleaning (1930, prose; humour)
Spring magic (1931, short story)
Summer moon (1935, short story)
The transformation of an old country home (1930, prose)
The valley train (1934, short story)
Victoria Road: In Kensington, London (1938, prose)
Wattle Creek swank (1931, short story)
The whip hand (1931, short story)

Drake-Brockman, Henrietta.*
The Disquieting Sex, serialised in Table Talk 1930 (first chapter); republished in The Swan Express 20 June 1946 and available on Trove (first chapter).

Drew, Dene; birth name: Christina Wilhelmina Kirkham; Mrs G W Kendrew of Bute, SA b. 1864 d. 1949 (Note: Drew published several more journalistic pieces in the 1930s not listed here.)
A back number (1932, short story)
A millionaire’s daughter (1931, short story)
A practical joke (1934, short story)
A summer idyll (1934, short story)
An old garden (1936, prose)
Aunt Alison’s fortune (1938, short story)
— Carissima: the story of a song (1935, short story): 17 May; 24 May; 31 May; 7 Jun; 14 Jun; 21 Jun; 28 Jun; 5 Jul; 12 Jul; 19 Jul; 26 Jul; 2 Aug;
The Christmas guest (1932, short story)
Christmas roses (1931, short story)
The coming of Marigold (1932, short story)
Cousins (1933, short story)
The dream of Pilate’s Wife (1934, short story; Easter theme)
Dreams (1936, prose)
Friendship (1938, prose)
Home (1938, prose)
I shall not pass this way again (1939, prose)
Illusions dispelled (1936, short story)
Kathleen Mavourneen (1933, short story)
Never mind (1937, prose)
Opportunities (1938, prose)
The reminiscences of a half-crown (1936, short story)
The resident doctor (1930, short story)
The ruby necklace (1933, short story)
Temperance: the Christmas gift (1933, prose)
Their first Christmas (1932, short story)
Twixt cup and lip: short Christmas story (1936, short story)
Two Christmases (1933, short story)
Under the umbrella (1936, short story)
Until seventy times seven (1933, short story)
— The wallet (1935, short story): 11 Oct; 18 Oct.
Wanted, a wife (1938, short story)
Winifred’s Christmas gifts (1930, short story)

Dunn, Annie Powis aka Annie Elizabeth Powis Dunn, Powis, An Australian Mother . Birth name: Annie Jordan; b. 1863, Bristol, England; d. 1936 Brisbane, QLD. Obituary: The Telegraph, 8 Apr 1936: 2. Mentioned very briefly in a review of Henry Arthur Kellow’s Queensland Poets 4 Oct 1930. Biographical snippet, The Queenslander 21 Feb 1935.
Flowers at play (1930, poem)
Historic newstead (1934, Letter to the Editor)
Lovely-land (1930, poem)
The mantis (1930, poem)
— Report of Powis’ extract from the memoirs of her mother, Mrs Henry Jordan, Sunday Mail 16 Dec 1934; further recollections 5 May 1935;
Suppose (1930, poem)

Dwyer, Vera Gladys, aka Coldham-Fussell Dwyer; Vera Gladys Coldham-Fussell; Vera G Dwyer, Vera Gladys Fussell; b. 1889, Hobart, Tas; d. 10 Sep 1967, St Leonards, NSW
In pursuit of Patrick (1931, serialised in The Australian woman’s mirror): 5 May; 12 May; 19 May; 26 May; 2 Jun; 9 Jun; 16 Jun; 23 Jun; 30 Jun; 6 Jul; 14 Jul; 21 Jul; 28 Jul; 3 Aug (final).
The prodigal father (1934, novella serialised in The northern herald – elsewhere labelled A story of Tasmania )
The way into my parlour (1930, short story)

Eades, M. L. birth name Maud Louise Henniker; aka Maud Louise Eades; M Henniker Andrews; b. 29 Mar 1874, Port Adelaide, SA; d. 1949, England; departed Australia c. 1901.
The Torrington Square mystery (1934, novella in The Advocate [Burnie, Tas]): 15 Jun; 16 Jun; 18 Jun; 19 Jun; 20 Jun; 21 Jun; 22 Jun; 23 Jun; 25 Jun; 26 Jun; 27 Jun; 28 Jun; 29 Jun; 30 Jun; 2 Jul; 3 Jul; 4 Jul; 5 Jul; 6 Jul; 7 Jul; 9 Jul; 10 Jul; 11 Jul; 12 Jul; 13 Jul; 14 Jul; 16 Jul; 17 Jul; 18 Jul; 19 Jul; 20 Jul; 23 Jul; 24 Jul.

Eldershaw, M Barnard (writing name for Flora Eldershaw 191897-1956) and Marjorie Barnard (1897-1987)
Christina Stead (1937, criticism)
Eleanor Dark (1937, criticism)
Essays in Australian fiction (1938; rep 1970, criticism) – link to Open Library, access conditions apply (sign up as member to borrow by the hour, free) – collects essays published elsewhere
Henry Handel Richardson (1937, criticism)

Ercole, Velia** aka Velia Gregory, Margaret Gregory b.1893; d. 1978 [copyright until 2048]
— A kingdom for Lily Skinner (1931, short story) in McLean’s, July 1931: available online for fee.
A wise old bird is a pelican: a complete story (1936, short story) in Table Talk, 12/11/1936.
Accident (1934, short story) in Table Talk, 29/03/1934.
— Art and Elizabeth , (1939, short story) in Maclean’s, 01/08/1938, available online for fee.
The beggar , (1932, short story) in Smith’s Weekly, 09/04/1932.
Breakfast after ten years (1932, short story) inTable Talk, 31/03/1932.
Brief discontent , (1935, short story) in Maclean’s, 01/04/1935, also Table Talk, 03/09/1936 (p13).
Bernie McCurley’s kink (1937, short story)
Blackmail (1937, short story)
— Companion-help , (1936, short story) in Maclean’s, 15/05/1936 (p24), available for fee; also GRIT: story section, Feb 1944.
Cora and the rich man , (1925, short story) The Spokesman Review 02/02/1935. Also published in Table Talk, 02/07/1936.
The folly of being wise , Table Talk, 03/05/1934.
Fool’s chance, the home: an Australian quarterly (1932).
Gay comrades (1932, short story)
Glamor (1933, short story), 06/04/1933, Table Talk.
Going to Kenya (1931, short story), Macleans, 15/09/1931, also Table Talk, 14/03/1932.
Greatest gain , (1936, short story in Table Talk)
Half-and-hour , (1932) Table Talk 2 Jun 1932: pp19-; very poor scan quality in Trove.
Humoresque (1932, short story)
Imprisoned , (1932) Table Talk, 28/04/1932.
Mamie dines out (1933, short story humour)
Marriage made on earth, (1939) published as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel and available on Trove.
Marriage song , (1934) Table Talk, 31/05/1934.
Miss Mafflin (1932, short story)
Nineteen and she’d met a man (1933, short story) in Table Talk, 29/09/1933.
— No escape (1931, short story/novella): ch1 (Jan21); ch2 (Jan 28); ch2 (cont.) 4 Feb; ch3 (cont.) 11 Feb; ch4 (cont.) 18 Feb; ch4 (cont.) 28 Feb; ch5 (cont.) 4 Mar; ch5 (cont.) 11 Mar; ch5 (cont.) 18 Mar; ch6 (cont.) 26 Mar; ch6 (cont.) 1 Apr; ch7 (cont.) 8 Apr; ch8 (cont.) 15 Apr; ch9 (cont.) 22 Apr; ch9 (cont.) 29 Apr; ch10 (cont.) 6 May; ch11 13 May; ch11 (cont.) 20 May, final. Not all women have the chance of undertaking marriage. And often it fails them. Then they starve or are dependent on relatives. Or they become lady helps. – Olwen Ferrars in No Escape. (ref)
Noise in the night (1936, short story) in Table Talk, 16/07/1936.
Nothing else serious (1937, short story), in Table Talk, 03/06/1937. Might also have been published as Millicent’s best interests , in Woman’s Home Companion, Oct 1937.
The wife of a genius (1932, short story) in Table Talk, 15/09/1932.

Ernst, Olga D A; aka Olga Dorothea Agnes Ernst; also writes as Olga D A Waller; b. 1888 Melbourne, Vic; d. 1972
Songs from the Dandenongs: Mountain nursery rhymes set to music for the young of all ages (1939)

Evans, Nellie A, aka Nellie Alice Evans, Gyspy ; b. 1884, Goulburn, NSW; d. 1944.Evans’ work was widely published during the 1930s, including poems in the early 1930s in The Bulletin; poems and some prose throughout the 1930s in The sun (Sydney), The Sydney morning herald (including for children), The Daily Telegraph (Sydney); Australian women’s weekly; Sydney Mail; The advocate (Burnie, Tas), The North Western Courier (Narrabri, NSW), Smith’s weekly (Sydney), The world news (Sydney) and elsewhere. In 1934, Evans received a pension from the Commonwealth Literary Fund of 10s a week for a period of five years (ref). Obituary 1944.
Christmas of hope (1934, poem)
The poet of the people (1938, poem; on Henry Lawson)
Paddington: some of its early history (1930, prose)
Travail (1935, short story)
The word witch (1937, poem)

Fane, Margaret, aka Beatrice Florence Osborne; b. 10 Jan 1887; d. 1962, Brisbane, Qld; Fane was a prolific author who published poetry and short fiction throughout the 1920s under the name Margaret Fane in The Australian women’s mirror, The Bulletin and The Sydney mail, (where she often co-authored with Hilary Lofting), and elsewhere. She also published using the pseudonym Francis Osborn in The Sydney mail, The bulletin, and The Australian woman’s mirror, a sample of which is listed below.
— written with Hilary Lofting, The bright patch (1933)
The miser: a story of hope renewed (1933, short story)
Grilled apricots (1932, short story)
— written with Hilary Lofting, The happy vagabond (1937, novel; published in The Australian women’s weekly; first published 1928)
Hessian: a story set in a London dressmaker’s salon (1932, short story)
— with Hilary Lofting, The logical conclusion (1934, short story)
The old dope (1932, short story)
The richer gift (1932, short story)
Romantic guff (1932, short story)
Silk (1934, short story)

Field, Catherine Eliza Somerville: aka Katie Langloch, K. Langloh Parker, Mrs P R Stow, Catherine Somerville, Catherine Field. Birth name: Catherine Eliza Somerville Field. b. 1856 (Encounter Bay, SA), d. 1940 (Glenelg, SA).
Bootoolgah, the crane, and goonur, the kangaroo rat, the fire-makers (1932, short story)

Finlay, birth name: Mary Ellen Moroney; aka Mary Eileen Finlay, Mollie Eileen Moroney; Mary Eileen Fortescue; and Mrs E F Boswarrick. b. 16 Oct 1878, Maffra, Vic; d. 12 Jun 1950, Melbourne Vic; married in 1899; death notice 14 Jun 1950. [Note: a number of her novels are available in print at SLNSW]
Echoes of Melba: an old man’s idyll (1937, prose)
The little church of memories (1938, prose)
Memories of McVeigh: ‘I allus ‘as one at eleven’ (1937, prose)

Finn, Mary Agnes b. c1860, Vic; d. Randwick, NSW 1948
A strange destiny (1930, serialised in The Catholic Press): 16 Jan; 23 Jan; 30 Jan; 6 Feb; 13 Feb; 20 Feb; 6 Mar; 13 Mar; 20 Mar; 27 Mar; 3 Apr; 10 Apr.
Clifton Manor (1939, serialised in The Catholic Press): 11 May; 18 May; 25 May; 1 Jun; 8 Jun; 15 Jun; 22 Jun; 29 Jun; 6 Jul; 13 Jul; 20 Jul; 27 Jul; 3 Aug; 10 Aug; 17 Aug; 24 Aug.

Forrest, Mabel, birth name: Helena Mabel Checkly Mills; aka M Forrest, Mabel Burkinshaw, Helena Mabel Checkley Forrest; also writes as M Burkinshaw, M Burkershaw, Helena M C Mills, M. R., and Reca . [Sister of Ethel Mills.] b. 6 Mar 1872 Yandilla, Qld; d. 18 Mar 1935, Brisbane, Qld. Courier-Mail obituary (19 Mar 1935; with photo); SMH obituary (19 Mar 1935). During the 1930s, writing as M Forrest , the author published extensively in The Australasian, as well as in numerous other publications. A full list can be found in the AustLit database (access requires log in via library membership or subscription).
Careless authors (1933, corresopondence)
The city hall (1930, poem)
Danny boy: a mountain top romance (1931, short story)
Love’s pauper (1935, lyrics set to the music of Edna McClelland)
M Forrest testimonial (1934, correspondence)
Shaw Nielson (1934, correspondence)
The snake man (1931, novel serialised in The Daily Telegraph: ‘The, Snake Man’ is a story of life on a Queensland station and on the northern pearling coast ): 12 Jun; 13 Jun; 15 Jun; 16 Jun; 17 Jun; 18 Jun; 19 Jun; 20 Jun; 22 Jun; 23 Jun; 24 Jun; 25 Jun; 26 Jun; 27 Jun; 29 Jun; 30 Jun; 1 Jul; 2 Jul; 3 Jul; 4 Jul; 6 Jul; 7 Jul; 8 Jul; 9 Jul; 10 Jul; 11 Jul; 13 Jul; 14 Jul; 15 Jul; 16 Jul; 17 Jul; 18 Jul; 20 Jul; 21 Jul; 22 Jul; 23 Jul; 24 Jul; 25 Jul; 27 Jul; 28 Jul; 29 Jul; 30 Jul; 31 Jul; 1 Aug; 3 Aug; 4 Aug; 5 Aug; 6 Aug; 7 Aug; 8 Aug; 10 Aug; 11 Aug; 12 Aug; 13 Aug; 14 Aug; 15 Aug; 17 Aug; 18 Aug; 19 Aug (final).

Francis, Nancy aka Nancy C Francis, Black Bonnet b. 1873, England; d. 1954, Herberton, Qld; arrived in Australia c. 1910. Francis published many journalistic pieces in the Cairns Post (Qld) throughout the 1930s, including a series on The Anglican church in North Queensland . Other pieces published by Francis during this decade include:
Another day (1937, poem)
The black snake (1935, short story)
The Bloomfield – then and now (1932, prose)
Boats in the bay (1937, short story)
Captain James Cook: from Trinity Bay to Cooktown (1933, prose)
Caught (1934, poem)
City in pastel shades (1938, prose)
Cricket in the rain (1938, prose)
The fury of a cyclone (1933, prose)
God in the jungle (1933, poem)
The great wealthy north (1931, prose)
The gum boots (1931, short story)
I dream of violets (1934, poem)
The last post: Anzac Day, 1937 (1937, poem)
Lost in the jungle (1937, prose)
My northern home (1939, poem)
Peace – and a lake or two (1938, prose)
The road of tragedy: grim, unsolved crimes of the Black Mountains of the Palmer (1933, prose)
Sea journey (1938, prose)
Sleeping out – full moon (1937, short story)
Songs of our own land: Cedar Bay (1932, poem)
The story of a mutton chop (1938, prose)
Time for playing (1938, prose)

Franklin, Miles birth name: Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin, aka Stella Franklin; also writes as Brent of Bin Bin; Mr and Mrs Ogniblat L’Artsau, William Black, S.M.S, Stella Lampe, Vernacular, Sarah Mills, Sarah Miles, An Old Bachelor, The Glowworm, Field Hospital Orderly; b. 14 Oct 1879, Talbingo, NSW; d. 19 Sep 1954, Drummoyne, NSW; departed from Australia in 1906 and lived for a time in Chicago.
— All that swagger (1936, serialised in The Bulletin): 16 Sep; 23 Sep; 30 Sep; 7 Oct; 14 Oct; 21 Oct; 28 Oct; 4 Nov (final).
Australians do not exist (1937, column)
Back To Bool Bool (1931, novel) – link to Colonial Australian Popular Fiction Digital Archive
Crowded canvases (1936, column)
Such Is colonialism (1937, criticism)

Fullerton, Mary Eliza aka Robert Gray, Turner O Lingo, Gordon Manners, E , Alpenstock, Owen Roe O’Neill, L , Joseph Marizeeni (1868-1946). [works out of copyright] A prolific author whose full title list can be found at AustLit (subscription or access via library). [works out of copyright]

Gibbs, May, birth name: Cecilia May Gibbs; aka Cecilia May Ossoli Kelly; also writes as Blob, Stan Cottman; b. 17 Jan 1877, Kent, England; d. 27 Nov 1969, Sydney NSW; arrived in Australia 1881
Bill and Bub (1938, in Mail [Adelaide]: Word and Pictures for children) – note, Gibbs published a regular comic strip in the 1930s which can be found on Trove.
The finding of Little Obelia (1930, short story in School Magazine from Ragged Blossom and more about Snugglepot and Cuddlepie )
Rescued (1933, short story in School Magazine from Little Obelia and the further adventures of Ragged Blossom , slightly simplified )
Snugglepot and Ragged Blossom (1935, short story in School Magazine from Little Ragged Blossom ): 1 Sep; 1 Oct.

Game, Swendolen; aka Gwendolen Margaret Game; Lady Gwendolen Gam; Gwendoline Hughes-Gibb; b. c. 1880s, Dorset Eng; d. 1972, Eng.
Barging days: a farewell to New South Wales (1934, selected work/poetry) – link to SLVIC digital collection+

Gilbert, Dorothy b. 1899, Gowrie Junction, Qld.
The blue wren’s message (1932, poem; These charming verses were written a long time ago by Dorothy Gilbert )
Glencoe in verse (1932, poem; Encircled by her neigh’bring hills )

Gilmore, Mary; birth name: Mary Jean Cameron; b. 1865; d. 1962; Mary Gilmore was a prolific writer who published over many decades. A full list of her works can be found at AustLit (subscription or free access via library membership).
Aboriginal science: fish traps and fish balks (1933, prose)
Don’t quit (1934, poem)
From merry me (1934, poem)
If only we could (1933, poem)
In the years of the lamplighter (1936, poem)
The jewel (1934, poem; from Under the Wilgas )
Love of freedom (1930, poem)
‘Merryvale’ poplar: tree that speaks history (1936, prose)

Gittins, Constance birth name: Constance Laura Doughty; aka Constance Laura Doughty Gittins, Mrs T Gittins Jnr, Connie Gittins; also writes as Constance L D Smith; born 25 Jun 1875, Gympie QLD; d. 1963, Bowral NSW
A lighted window (1933, prose snippet)
Christmas morn (1930, poem)
The comforter (1930, poem)
For healing (1939, poem)
For peace: Armistice Day (1933, poem)
Forging link, memory’s chain, a little white hand (1930, prose)
From the dust: an Easter thought (1933, poem)
Grace of motherhood (1934, poem)
Late autumn (1934, poem)
My sea (1936, poem)
Seascape: diamond-decked hour (1930, prose)
Snow on the border (1935, poem; about Stanthorpe)
Spring tryst (1930, poem)
The spent day (1932, poem)
The storm kiss’s ride (1931, poem)
The Sunday Mail of wings (1934, poem)
To you – in Brisbane (1935, poem)
The virgin new year (1934, poem)

Goldstraw, Alice; aka Alice Jane Goldstraw; b. 1885, Allansord, Vic; d. 1967, Warrnambook, Vic.
The border of the Heytesbury (1937, nonfiction)

Gore-Jones, Alice aka A Gore-Jones; b. 29 May 1887, Toowong, Qld; d. 26 Jul 1961, Brisbane, Qld. In the 1930s, Gore-Jones continued to published in The bulletin, The Australian woman’s mirror, The Sydney mail, and elsewhere.
Adieu (1935, poem)
Candlesticks (1936, poem)
Crysanthemums (1934, poem)
Curios (1936, poem)
Evening light (1933, poem)
Holiday house (1931, poem)
Interlude (1938, poem)
June (1933, poem)
Lavender lady (1932, poem)
Melody (1936, poem)
The passing (1934, poem)
Requiem (1936, poem)
Sea song (1930, poem)
The shoppers (1932, poem)
Silhouette (1932, poem)
Song of the months (1937, poem)
Sonnet of flowers (1934, poem)
Untamed (1934, poem)
Week end (1934, poem)

Gornall, Lola, b. 1884, Sydney, NSW; d. 1969, Sydney, NSW.
April (1930, poem)
At Pymble (1930, poem)
The bird shop (1930, poem)
Brisbane (1930, poem)
Fairy faith (1930, poem)
Girl song (1931, poem)
Heart-break (1930, poem)
Humankind‘ (1930, poem)
If – but – (1930, poem)
Jewels (1930, poem)
Night – Kangaroo Point (1930, poem)
Pearls for tears (1930, poem)
The pirate (1934, poem for children)
Surf siren (1930, poem)
Sydney (1930, poem)
The thread (1932, poem)
Vale, summer! (1930, poem)

Grant, Isabel aka Isabella Grant, Isabel Murray. b. c1870, Scotland; d. 1952, Bundaberg, QLD.
An interesting case (1933)

Gray, Mina, b. c 1917
The door (1935, poem)
Enough (1935, poem)
The evening of life (1933, poem; by Mina Gray, aged 15, Sydney )
Farewell to youth (1936, poem)
Great lover (1935, poem)
The lady of the lillies (1933, poem)
My palace (1930, poem; Mina Gray, [13] )
Unpossessed (1949, poem)
The woman of serenity (1933, poem; inspired by the picture, ‘The Book of serenity’, in the Sydney Art Gallery )

Gregory, Ada Leonora (1873-1935).
The clouded dream : a story of two incarnations, J.R. Price, Melbourne, 1938, 18 pp. Downloadable here.

Greig, Maysie aka Maysie Coucher Greig, Mrs Max Murray, Jennifer Greig-Smith Sopoushek; also writes as Jennifer Ames, Ann Barclay, Mary Douglas Warren; b. 1901; d. 1971.
Autobiographical note (1933, prose)
Rich man, poor girl (1935; novel/romance) – link to archive.org, access conditions apply

Grimshaw, Beatrice.**
Away from it all (1936, short story)
Eyes of pearl (1935, short story)
House enchanted (1939, short story)
The jasmine balcony (1936, story)
Little men of Lolok (1939, short story)
Lost behind the ranges (1935; story)
The Maid of Niu-Niu (1935, story)
My South Sea Sweetheart
, originally published London: Mills & Boon 1922; republished 14 May 1938 as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel and available on Trove.
Nor-west Jane (1939, short story)
Victorian Family Robinson (1935; romance and comedy)

Gunn, Mrs Aeneas birth name: Jeannie Taylor; aka Jeannie Gunn; born 5 Jun 1870, Carlton, Vic; d. 9 Jun 1961, Hawthorn, Vic.
The little black princess (1937, correspondence published in The Bulletin)

Hain, Gladys Adeline; birth name: Gladys Taylor; also writes as Anzac Officer; b. 1 Jul 1887, West Shelbourne, Vic; d. 6 Mar 1962, Carlton, Vic. In the 1930s, Hain was a regular contributor of journalistic pieces to The argus and The Australasian.

Hart, Gertrude aka E Gertrude Hart; Ethel Gertrude Hart, E. G. H. and T. L. O. A. b. 1873 Vic; d. 1965
Aunt Sanderson’s tent (1936, short story)
— Biddy steps in (1935, short story for children serialised in The Australasian): 4 May; 11 May; 18 May; 25 May; 1 Jun; 8 Jun; 15 Jun; 22 Jun; 29 Jun; 6 Jul; 13 Jul; 20 Jul; 27 Jul; 3 Aug; 10 Aug.
The big house (1936, short story)
Blossom Row (1936, short story)
The cattery (1933, short story)
The Christmas ghost (1936, short story)
Chubby (1937)
Chubby and Pip (1937)
The crooked road (1930, short story serialised in The Herald [Melbourne]; faint print): 2 Aug; 4 Aug; 5 Aug; 6 Aug; 7 Aug; 8 Aug; 9 Aug; 11 Aug; 12 Aug; 13 Aug; 14 Aug; 15 Aug; 16 Aug; 18 Aug; 19 Aug; 20 Aug; 21 Aug; 22 Aug; 23 Aug; 25 Aug; 26 Aug; 27 Aug; 28 Aug; 29 Aug; 30 Aug; 1 Sep; 2 Sep; 3 Sep; 4 Sep; 5 Sep; 6 Sep; 8 Sep; 9 Sep; 10 Sep; 11 Sep; 12 Sep;
Cutting out Christmas (1937, short story)
The extra sense (1930, short story; in Weekly Times faint scan)
First foot (1937, short story)
Following Candlish (1935, short story)
Four roads inn (1934-35, short story serialised in Weekly Times [Melbourne]): 3 Nov; 10 Nov; 17 Nov; 24 Nov; 1 Dec; 8 Dec; 15 Dec; 22 Dec; 29 Dec; 5 Jan; 12 Jan; 19 Jan; 26 Jan; 2 Feb; 9 Feb; 16 Feb; 23 Feb (final).
Fugitive (1936, poem)
The grandfather clock (1931, short story)
The handy man (1937, short story)
The haunted hut (1934, short story)
Himself (1936, short story)
The House Is Haunted (1939, review)
I know the rose (1938, song/lyric)
The lonely chair (1935, short story)
Mallee song (1930, poem)
The man from the country (1931, short story)
Martha goes to town (1930, short story)
Miss Prymme’s permanent (1933, short story)
Mrs Next-door (1937, short story)
Our shop (1932, short story)
Paddy goes back: a bush fire story (1931, short story)
Prue goes flatting (1935, short story)
The retreat (1932, short story)
Relative importance (1936, short story)
Robin sees life (1935, short story)
Selling a library (1935, short story)
Shadow-show (1936, poem)
— The storm centre (1936, novella): 15 Aug; 22 Aug.
Tommy goes on leave (1936, short story)
Tullis Hill (1935, short story; Biddy Travers )
Turn of the road (1936, poem)
Two minutes’ silence (11 Nov 1936, poem)
Uninvited guest (1935, short story)
When the rain came (1939, short story)
The yellow dog (1936, short story)

Harvey, Joan. birth name: Joan Mary Temple Cox; aka Joan Mary Temple Harvey; b. 5 Feb 1884, Bangalore, India; d. 5 Nov 1965, Melbourne, Vic.
— Batman’s daughter (1933, correspondence)

Heney, L.A.B.** [Lucy Amy Beatrice Heney] b. 1903, Mosman NSW.
The Shadow Tree, (London: Andrew Melrose, 1936; republished 29 January 1938 as an Australian Women’s Weekly novel).

Holman, Ada A. Birth name Ada Augusta Kidgell. b. 1869, Ballarat, Vic; d. 1949.
Eve in the desert (1934, serialised in Sydney Morning Herald): 27 Jan; 29 Jan; 30 Jan; 31 Jan; 1 Feb; 2 Feb; 3 Feb; 5 Feb; 6 Feb; 7 Feb; 8 Feb; 10 Feb; 12 Feb; 13 Feb; 14 Feb; 15 Feb; 16 Feb; 17 Feb; 19 Feb; 20 Feb; 21 Feb; 22 Feb; 23 Feb; 24 Feb; 26 Feb; 27 Feb.
Gain (1934, short story)
Good courage (1936, serialised in Sydney Morning Herald): 21 Jul; 23 Jul; 24 Jul; 25 Jul; 27 July; 28 Jul: ch7; 28 Jul: ch8; 29 Jul; 30 Jul; 31 Jul; 1 Aug: ch11; 3 Aug; 4 Aug: ch11 cont.; 4 Aug: ch12; 5 Aug; 6 Aug; 7 Aug; 8 Aug; 10 Aug; 11 Aug; 12 Aug; 13 Aug; 14 Aug; 15 Aug; 17 Aug; 18 Aug; 19 Aug; 20 Aug; 21 Aug; 22 Aug; 24 Aug; 25 Aug; 26 Aug; 27 Aug: ch31; 27 Aug: ch32; 28 Aug; 29 Aug; 31 Aug: ch34 cont.; 31 Aug: ch35; 1 Sep; 2 Sep; 3 Sep; 4 Sep; 5 Sep; 7 Sep; 8 Sep; 9 Sep: ch42; 9 Sep: ch43; 10 Sep; 11 Sep; 12 Sep; 14 Sep; 15 Sep; 16 Sep: ch46 cont.; 16 Sep: ch47; 16 Sep: ch48; 17 Sep: ch48; 17 Sep: ch49; 18 Sep: ch49 cont.; 18 Sep: ch50 (final).
Romance in Australia’s settlement (1937, lecture read before the Royal Australian Historical Society ; begins with a quote from A House Is Built)

Holman, Portia b. 1903; d. 1983; daughter of Ada A Holman
Employment; for the sub-normal (1933, article)
Girls in war: a woman in Spain (1937, article/correspondence)
Moscow: transitional conditions (1936, article)

Homfray, Lucy Everett, aka L E Homfray b. 1873, Sydney, NSW; d. 1951, Sydney; sister of a Canon Homfray who resided in Portland, near Lithgow, NSW; ; she wrote hymns to be sung, as well as poetry (ref1; ref2); resided at Lindfield, NSW (ref), Bowral and Beecroft.
A song of youth (1937, poem)
Childhood (1936, poem)
Dreams (1937, poem)
From merry me (1937, poem)
If you were me (1934, poem)
Riches (1934, poem)
Some of life’s joys (1934, poem)
Two little hands (1934, poem)

Honey, Madeleine, aka Lucy Madeleine Honey, Aunt Roberta ; b. 1886, Paddinton, NSW; d. 1942, Randwich NSW; married William Henry Honey; niece of Ethel Turner. Honey also wrote several books for children, which have not been found online, and edited Youth magazine (Trove listing).
A song (1935, poem)
Christmas bush [1] (1935, poem)
Christmas bush [2] (1935, poem)
Coralie Winston’s romance (1934, short story; illustrated)
The end of a perfect day (1935, prose)
The hour of remembrance (1936, poem)
I hold you fast (1937, poem)
In remembrance (1935, poem)
Miracle (1937, poem)
Mr and Mrs Mopoke (1933, prose)
Mrs Tarantula (1934, prose)
One dark night (1934, short story)
Poppies for the dead (1936, poem)
Recompense (1935, poem)
Retrospect (1936, poem)
Shall I sleep? (1938, poem)
This new spring (1937, poem)
The tigress (1934, short story)
Vision (1937, poem)

House, Mary, birth name: Mary Hewitt; aka Mrs Charles House; b. 23 Dec 1875, Manly, NSW; d. 21 Dec 1950, Rockhampton, Qld. House was a prolific poet and many of her poems were published in The Central Queensland Herald after she won a competition in 1933 (ref).
An Australian love song (1933, poem; faint print)
The dreamer (1931, poem)
The little Dawson girl (1933, poem)

Howitt, Mary E. B. b. 1866; c. 1933
The squatter’s papers: Charles Reade on Australia (1931, prose)

Hughes, Katherine birth name Catherin McNicol; also writes as K H; b. 1871 Wentworth, NSW; d. 22 Sep 1957 Jandowae, QLD [work in copyright until 2027]
Amy (1930, poem; on British aviator Amy Johnson’s flight)
Whipcord (1933, short story)

Hungerford, Alys b. birth name: Alys Hungerford; Mrs Francis John Beamish; Mrs Kenneth Stuart Hungerford; 17 July 1857 at Cahirmore, Rosscarbery, County Cork, Ireland; d. 16 August, 1934 at Lawson (district of Katoomba), NSW
The wish (1931, poem)

Irby, Florence M. b. 1875, Tenterfield, NSW; d. 1964, Port Macquarie NSW; naturalist and resident of Casino NSW
The waggon of birds (1933, novella serialised in The Australian Women’s Mirror): 5 Sep; 12 Sep; 19 Sep; 26 Sep; 3 Oct; 10 Oct (final).

Jackson, Gladys; birth name: Gladys Smith; aka Gladys Violet Fredrika Jackson; Mrs William Jackson; b. 9 Dec 1881, Gatton, Qld.
Mopoke note (1935, poem)

Kearnan, Agnes H b. 1861; d. 1942
Nonette (1930, poetry)

Kelaher, Mary. Birth name Mary Ellen Cross. b. 1895, Moree, NSW; d. 1943, Sydney, NSW.
Lost enchantment (1937-38, novella, serialised in Australian Woman’s Mirror): ch1 (9 Nov); ch5 (16 Nov); ch5 con. (23 Nov); ch7 cont. (30 Nov); (7 Dec); ch11 cont. (14 Dec); ch13 cont. (21 Dec); ch15 cont. (28 Dec); ch16 (4 Jan).
— Security (1931, novella serialised in Australian Woman’s Mirror): ch1 (24 Mar); ch2 cont. (31 Mar); ch4 cont. (7 Apr); ch6 cont. (14 Apr); ch10 cont. (21 Apr); ch11 cont. (28 Apr); ch14 (5 May); ch16 cont. (12 May); ch18 (19 May); ch19 cont. (26 May); ch21 (2 Jun) final.

Kelly, Nora aka Nora McAuliffe b. NZ; one-time editor of the social pages of The bulletin.
Do not blame love (1933, poem)
The intruder (1933, short story)
Lochaber no more (1931, short story)
Moonshine (1932, short story)
The murderer (1934, short story)
The poor poet and the puff piece (1933, short story)
Technique (1930, short story)
To thine own self (1932, short story)
Wings of song (1931, poem)
Year-end (1932, poem)

King, Jane Franklin b. 9 Dec 1895 NSW; d. 8 Jul 1967 Howrah, Tasmania
Bowl of tradition (1938, short story)

Knight, Hattie aka H M Knight, Hattie Martha Knight; Hattie Martha Leckie; Mrs John Leckie; b. 3 Jan 1886 St Kilda, Vic; d. 21 Jun 1965, Cheltenham, Vic. In the 1930s, Knight continued to contribute prose pieces to the Australian press, including The argus and The herald, as well as publishing Candour and cant (1931), a selection of essays, and writing plays.
The bonfire (1934, short story)
The misplaced troglodyte (1931, prose)

Knowles, Marion Miller aka Marion Miller, M. M. Knowles; John Desmond, Marion Miller, Aunt Patsy. b. Woods Point, Vic. 8 Aug 1865; d. Camberwell, Vic. 16 Sep 1949). ANDB entry.
Meg of ‘Minadong’ (Melbourne: E A Vidler, 1926)
The spitfire (1926)

Lancaster, G. B. (1873-1945), aka Lyttleton, Edith Joan.
Pageant, Endeavour Press, Sydney, 1933, 407 pp. Downloadable here.

Lane, Dorothy F aka Dorothy Florence Lane; b. 2 Oct 1882, Rimau, Aorangi, South Island, NZ; d. 1969, Lindisfarne, Tas; arrived in Australian ca. 1890.
Baby or car? (1930, short story)
Epiphany (1931, short story)
The new hazard (1933, short story)

Le Breton, Agatha; birth name: Agatha Magdalen Le Breton; aka Miriam Le Breton; also writes as Miriam Agatha, Henry Somerville, Mickie Daly; b. 28 Jun 1886, Maryborough, Qld; d. 1970, Sydney, NSW. In 1938, along with Constance M le Plastier, Le Breton received the cross Pro Ecciesia et Pontifice (ref), more generally known as the cross of Leo (ref), in honour of her writing. Throughout the 1930s, Le Breton wrote journalistic pieces for The Catholic press and elsewhere.
A Christmas appeal: St Anne’s orphanage, Liverpool (1937, prose)
A First Communion day – in a city parish – 1890-1930 (1930, prose)
A gentle old face got in the way – a tale for the times (1939, prose)
The Carmelite sisters – a word of gratitude (1936, prose)
Christmas bells – the child’s opening mind (1931, prose)
Corpus Christi procession: impressive ceremony at Randwick (1936, prose)
Eucharistic love – in the heart of the city – June vignettes (1934, prose)
Eucharistic processions – impressive scenes at Randwick and Kensington (1936, prose)
Gerry and other stories (1935; short stories for children)
The grail’s method of perfecting Catholic women (1939, prose)
The mission at St Mary’s – the order of preachers (1932, prose)
Little lambs of God – St Joseph’s poor school, City (1936, prose)
The sinners’ bell – the call to the mission (1932, prose)
Santa Claus arrives (1932, prose)
St Anthony’s home, Croydon – Christmas time (1936, prose)

Le Plastrier, Constance Mary aka Erica , Mary Lee b. 1864; d. 1938
The long way (1931-32, serialised novel)
The secret of Dairmid Castle (1933, serialised novel)
Tempering the steel (1930-31, serialised novel)
The thorny way (1935-36, serialised novel)
The worker in stone (1936-37, serialised novel)

Levis, Edith Stirling birth name: Edith Frances Sunderland Carr-Boyd b. 1881, Glen Innes, NSW; d. 1971, St Leonards, NSW. In the 1930s, i addition to her poetry, Edith Stirling Levis wrote a number of journalistic pieces for The Sydney morning herald.
An Irish harbour: its romantic traditions (1930, prose)
Celtic fairy story (1936, poem)
Columcille – the book of Kells (1934, prose)
Fan lore (1934, prose)
Harmony (1934, poem)
Irish lace: romance of ancient stitchery (1934, prose)
Moon-flowers (1930, poem)
My hollyhocks (1934, poem)
On the western plains (1934, prose)
Tapestry: modern interest in old art (1934, poem)
The uninvited guest (1931, poem)
Will you tell? (1930, poem)

Lister, Gladys; birth name: Gladys Henriques; b. 23 Apr 1887, Hawthor, Vic; d. 1957, Sydney, NSW
The little round garden (1938, novel for children)

Liston, Ellen (1838-1885). [works out of copyright]
Pioneers: stories, E.A. Harwood, Hassell Press, Adelaide, 1936, 190 pp [published posthumously]

Liston, Maud Renner aka Maud R Liston b. 25 Nov 1875, SA; 3. 30 Sep 1944 Adelaide, SA; biographical note (15 Apr 1932)
A child’s vision (1930, poem)
Amelia Barr with variations (1930, poem)
Beauty with peace (1931, poem)
Bohemian days (1930, poem)
Calvary (1930, poem)
Good Friday (1930, poem)
Grainger concerts: a friendly criticism (1935, correspondence)
Margaret Crawford (1931, poem)
In memoriam: Pioneer Taylor (1932, poem)
Model public house: recreation and good fellowship (1930, correspondence)
Model public houses (1930, correspondence)
Model public house [3] (1930, correspondence)
Joan Lowell at school (1930, prose)
Life and poetry (1931, poem)
The Murray flood (1932, short story)
The poems of Emily Dickinson (1931, criticism)

Little, Maud Isabel aka M. I. Little b. 1876 d. 1961
By the courtesy of the Camoans (1932)
Happy cays in Malacca (1933; novella serialised in The Southern Cross): 7 Apr; 13 Apr; 21 Apr; 28 Apr; 5 May; 12 May; 19 May; 26 May; 2 Jun; 9 Jun (final).
Mr Pratt and the piano (1938, short story)

Littlejohn, Agnes b. 1865; d.1944 Ryde NSW
Slumber Song (1938, lyrics)

Littlejohn, Linda birth name Emma Linda Palmer Teece; aka Mrs Charles T Tilden (ref); sister-in-law of Agnes Littlejohn; b. 11 Dec 1883; d. 21 Mar 1949. Littlejohn was a journalist and feminist who wrote regular articles for Australian women’s weekly in the 1930s, as well as the following short story:
A Problem Solved (1933, short story)
She wrote a book, Life and Lucille (1933), reviewed here.

Lloyd, Mary aka Mary Ellen Lloyd, M.E. Lloyd, Vinegar, Bay Ash, MEL , Comrade Mary. Birth name: Mary Ellen Parry; b. Wales, UK; d. Sydney NSW 1962.
Maggie Dwyer’s Weddin’ Spree (1933, short story)
The Trials of a Saint’s Wife: A Peep Into Countess Tolstoy’s Diary (1930, article)


Texts by Australian women published in 1930s M-Z >

* Links to the Australian Dictionary of Biography online
** Biographical and bibliographical information on the following authors can be obtained by subscription from AustLit:
Birkett, Winifred.
Bridges, Hilda.
Chadwick, Dorothy.
Drake-Brockman, Henrietta.
Ercole, Velia. (aka Margaret Gregory)
Grimshaw, Beatrice.
Heney, L.A.B.

Note: For purposes of this list Australian is defined loosely and may include authors who wrote books while living in Australia, or who wrote books set in Australia. If you find other texts for this list, or better links to any of the books listed, please let us know via the contact page.