by Stories from the Archive | Oct 18, 2023 | Short story
Poor Bertha cried bitterly, she was proud and could bear anything, but disgrace broke her down. She felt that her sister had ruined all her prospects in life
by Stories from the Archive | Oct 13, 2023 | Short story
I’VE got it,” exclaimed Mary, excitedly flourishing the letter she had been reading. “Got what?” questioned her mother. “The situation !”
by Stories from the Archive | Oct 6, 2023 | Short story
by Ethel Mills Primrose (1870-1951) “The Chee child: a story for children” first appeared as “The China child” in 1902, and was revised and reprinted under a different title in 1905 in Pall Mall magazine. The Pall Mall version is reprinted here, not only...
by Stories from the Archive | Sep 29, 2023 | Essay
by Christina Stead (1902-1983) On Wednesday we published a review of Stead’s nonfiction piece, “Ocean of story”, the first in a collection with the same title published posthumously in 1986. (As Stead’s work is still in copyright, it can only...
by Stories from the Archive | Sep 22, 2023 | Nonfiction extract
by Kay Keavney (1921-1989) “Working at white heat, 20,000 words a day can pour from her pen, yet the last thing on her mind is publication. This notable Australian writes because it is in her. Now returned from abroad she granted KAY KEAVNEY one of her rare...