by Claire Holderness | Oct 7, 2020 | Round-ups
Hello and welcome to September’s roundup. Amazingly we had 19 books linked this month which is fabulous, especially when I’ve been really slack in reviewing and linking books myself lately, I’m glad to see everyone else is on top of it. This is a bit...
by Claire Holderness | Aug 5, 2020 | Round-ups
Wow, August already, considering we’ve spent a great deal of this year amidst the COVID epidemic, it certainly seems to have gone fast. I have to admit, my own reading has dropped off over the last 4 months, but luckily there are still plenty of people out there...
by Claire Holderness | Jun 3, 2020 | Round-ups
This month has the highest number of reviews linked to the database this month which is fabulous, we had 19 books reviewed. Some of these are repeats of past books that we haven’t seen in awhile and a couple of new ones. Reading Matters reviewed The Animals in...
by Claire Holderness | May 6, 2020 | Round-ups
Another month has gone and hopefully closer to life returning to normal. I hope you’ve all been keeping well and reading some good books. We had 9 books reviewed this month, a couple of repeats, and a few new ones. Ashleigh at The Book Muse read Jane In Love by...
by Claire Holderness | Apr 1, 2020 | Round-ups
Hello everyone, and can I just say what a stressful last few weeks we’ve all been having. My reading is way down and I’m guessing this is the same for many people. We had 8 reviews linked in March and 7 books, so thank you to those who have managed to read...