by bernadetteinoz | Oct 20, 2017 | Round-ups
Since the last crime round up AWW reviewers have paid a lot of attention to the flurry of second books being published by our latest crop of emerging talents. Among the accolades she received for her debut novel THE DRY Jane Harper won this year’s Davitt Award...
by bernadetteinoz | Apr 21, 2017 | Round-ups
Since the year’s first round up for this genre AWW participants have posted 74 reviews of 46 books. Nice work everyone! As is always the case crime fiction does account for a majority of the content but for a change there is some true crime to discuss so...
by bernadetteinoz | Feb 17, 2017 | Round-ups
The sixth year of reading and reviewing Australian women crime writers has started strongly with 43 reviews of 28 different books. Not surprisingly two of 2017’s new releases have scored the most reviews with Wendy James’ THE GOLDEN CHILD and Sara...
by bernadetteinoz | Feb 19, 2016 | Round-ups
The crime fiction and true crime genre has attracted 45 reviews or discussions since the first of January with a total of 33 distinct books by 24 different authors being discussed, making this ‘our’ best start to an AWW challenge. The most popular book is...
by bernadetteinoz | Dec 19, 2014 | Round-ups
As your humble correspondent regarding all things crime and mystery related I have been woefully neglectful of the latter half of this year’s challenge. Thankfully reviews rolled in without me. I thought for this final round up of the year I’d focus on...