by Janine Rizzetti | Sep 27, 2017 | Round-ups
August was a chilly month for the History component of the History, Memoir and Biography trilogy, with no reviews of history books at all posted during the month. Memoir and biography featured, though, with fourteen reviews posted during August. Some of these reviews...
by Debbie Robson | Jan 18, 2016 | Yearly wrap-up
Congratulations to all our historical fiction reviewers who participated in our Australian Women Writers Challenge for 2015 and to our wonderful Australian women historical fiction writers! We have doubled our books and reviews. Last year there were 105 reviews of 65...
by Debbie Robson | Nov 17, 2015 | Round-ups
Well, we’re a bit down this month in numbers. Only 17 reviews of 16 different books. It’s strange but with less reviews you think it would be easier it choose but it’s not the case this month. I’m struggling a tad. With the movie currently...