(Imported from Blogger; formatting glitches need to be fixed)
Of the 70 books categorised by AWW reviewers during January to June as either Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror or Paranormal, 17 are 2012 releases.* These include a self-published novel, as well as several novels from small presses. Because the distinction between Young Adult (YA) and “adult” Speculative Fiction books is not always mentioned by reviewers, and both categories are equally likely to attract awards, both have been tallied here.
Should any of the following books have been included in the list of literary works posted previously? Are there other recent titles in this genre that have not yet been reviewed for the challenge?
* Disclaimer: some books may be reprints of earlier editions. If that’s the case for any of the following, please let me know.
Tally: 17 books, 16 authors, 44 reviews, 29 reviewers, 11 publishers.
Publishers: HarperCollins: 6 books; Allen & Unwin: 2; Pan Macmillan: 1; Penguin 1; Random House: 1; Text: 1; Twelfth Planet Press: 1; ClanDestine Press: 1; Orbit: 1; Walker Books: 1; self-published: 1.
Links to reviews appear on the line(s) after the title.
2012 releases
- Allyn, Anya – Doll House. (Self-published: CreateSpace) YA Paranormal Mystery
Brenda - Carmody, Isobelle – Metro Winds. (Allen & Unwin) SpecFic Short Stories
Maree K - Cusack, Louise – Destiny of the Light. (Pan Macmillan/Momentum) High Fantasy
Kat @ Book Thingo, Tsana - Dub, Rosie – Flight (HarperCollins/Fourth Estate) YA Fantasy/Paranormal
VeganYANerds - Fallon, Jennifer – The Dark Divide. (HarperCollins) Fantasy
Tsana, Nalini Haynes - Forsyth, Kate – Bitter Greens. (Random House) Historical SpecFic
speculatef, Jo @ BookloverBookReviews, Angela @ LiteraryMinded, Book’d Out, Bookonaut, Bree @1girl2manybooks, Monique at Write Note Reviews - Griffin, Kylie – Vengeance Born. (Penguin/Berkley) Fantasy
Jenny , Kyle Scott author - Hall, Leanne – Queen of the Night (Text; Longlisted Golden Inky Award 2012; Sequel to This is Shyness) YA
Vegan YA Nerds - Harding, Traci – The Light – Field: Triad of Being #3 (HarperCollins)
Tarran Jones (Collins Booksellers Edwardstown) - Harris, Narrelle – Showtime. (Twelfth Planet Press 2012) Spec/Fic Short Stories
Bree@1girl2manybooks, Bookonaut, Mark Webb, Marg - Harris, Narrelle M – Walking Shadows. (ClanDestine Press) Paranormal/Thriller
@tansyrr - Lanagan, Margo, Sea Hearts/ The Brides of Rollrock Island. (Allen & Unwin) YA SpecFic/Literary
Nalini Haynes, Mark Webb, Lizabelle, Astrid, Sue Luus, Jason Nahrung, bookonaut, Angela Meyer @LiteraryMinded, Krissy Keen, Coleen Kwan - Marr, Shirley – Preloved. (Walker Books) SpecFic
VYANerds, Stephanie @ RIASS - Mills, K. E. – Wizard Undercover. (Orbit) SpecFic
Bookonaut - Roberts, Rhonda – Hoodwink. (HarperCollins) SpecFic
Duke - Roberts, Tansy Rayner – Reign of Beasts: Creature Court series Book 3 (HarperCollins 2012) Bk3 Epic Fantasy
Ju Transcendancing, Nalini Haynes, Kitty Byrne, Tsana - Spurrier, Jo – Winter be my Shield. (HarperCollins)
speculatef, Tsana
What do you think about self-published books like Doll House by Anya Allyn being reviewed alongside books by award-winning writers like Margo Lanagan?
Not reviewed for the challenge during this period:
- Suited by Jo Anderton (Angry Robots Books June 2012)
More titles (suggested by Shelleyrae of Book’d Out blog):
- Sin’s Dark Caress by Tracey O’Hara (HarperCollins September 2012)
- The Kiss of the Goblin Prince by Shona Husk (Sourcebooks Cassablanca May 2012) and
- Darkness Devours by Keri Arthur (Penguin/Signet 2012)