Now that I’ve worked out how to make the menu page appear, things are progressing.
Still to do:
- Write copy for various pages, with appropriate links, including the sign-up page
- Develop and insert the appropriate Google form on sign-up, post your review and completion pages.
- Find out whether the overall database spreadsheet automatically happens from the Google Form and add this to the appropriate page
- Explain to the AWW2013 team how the “category” tabs work (they’re not pages, but linked to actual posts),
- Invite the team to become contributing editors
- Have contributing editors discuss how the “mini blogs” work, and the short comings of this system (no static page for permanent links); discuss whether we need additional pages in addition to the category tabs (WordPress allows for a second menu bar above the line)
- Add links to major awards in all categories…
So much to do, but we’re getting there! Feedback, anyone?
It is very helpful being able to visualise what people are thinking of for AWW2013 – thankyou Holly and Elizabeth!
I would like to see a separate page for people to register for AWW2013 and a separate page for entering AWW2013 reviews. This will reduce the clutter on the home page.
Each fiction genre gets their own category tab but nonfiction is all lumped together. Personally I think ‘nonfiction’ is unappealing as a category (makes me think of school/studying), but understand that too many categories jostling together as tabs creates visual noise. To my mind biographies and memoirs are subcategories of history as they are recounting/analysing the past. Could we change ‘nonfiction’ to ‘History’ with subcategories being ‘Australian’, ‘Biographies’, ‘Memoirs’ and with provision for ‘International’ because Australian women writers do not restrict themselves to writing about Australia? Of course this means if we get an editor wanting to cover travel books etc they would have to be allocated another tab.
I would like to see the ‘News’ tab next to the 2013 tab (second from left). ‘News’ I gather, covers all news about Australian women writing thus being relevant to the whole challenge. I hope that this tab would see regular updates throughout the year – ie it changes often, thus should be more prominent.
Why are you using Google Forms when you have a native method of creating forms in Feedbacks?
Thanks for dropping by and giving your feedback on the test site, Timothy. Good question! Does Feedbacks offer an improved database compilation over the present AWW site’s Mr Linky boxes? (That’s the need we’re trying to address.) Will have to look into this.
I’d be really interested to know your findings Elizabeth. We’re wanting to host a reading challenge, probably to do with teen literacy, in 2013, and if you find one tool is better than the other, that’d be really handy for us to know.