It’s time for the non-specualtive YA round up!

The whole of my world hayesThe first review I’d like to highlight is for The Whole of My World by Nicole Hayes. This stort features a teenage girl who is a big fan of football and her relationship with a player. Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best said “This book is the perfect springboard for so many discussions about issues that are real and current for teenagers.”


Next is Three Summers by Judith Clarke, a story of a young girl raised in a country town, the story spans her life, starting in 1959. Rochelle from Inside my Words wrote “This is a book that should be read for the writing itself. Judith Clarke has a way with words, a poetic like quality that is both beautiful and outstanding.”

The Mimosa TreeAnother YA with a historical element is The Mimosa Tree by Antontella Preto. Set in W.A the

story revolves around Mia, her family, and her first year of university. The Incredible Rambling Elimy reviewed it saying “This is an amazing book and I have been recommending it to everyone I know.  It has a powerful message about overcoming grief, and the obstacles that we place in our own path to happiness.”


Steal my Sunshine by Emily Gale combines a present day story of a teenage girl as well as the history of her family and a time in Australia’s history when single women were forced to give up their babies. Marcia from Book Muster Down Under said “Steal My Sunshine is a lovely YA novel with a good moral message behind Hannah’s story.  Seen through the eyes of a teenage girl whose greatest desire is to belong and be loved, it is also an aching examination of one woman’s shameful deception and painful re-living of a time she would rather forget and another woman’s inability to forgive past transgressions.”

Cry Blue MurderAnd finally Cry Blue Murder by Kiim Kane and Marion Roberts uses a unique format to tell the intense and chilling story of two girls and their interaction online while a serial killer targets teenage girls. Bree from One Girl, Two Many Books reviewed it and said “I could say I loved this book in spite of the ending, but I think that ultimately, I loved it because of the ending. It dared to go there and if it had’ve resolved some other way, it would’ve made me question to decision to go the soft road and it would probably have felt unrealistic.”