With seven reviews of No Place Like Home by Caroline Overington posted during October the new release title from Random House was the most popular read amongst challenge participants. The reactions to the novel are individual yet all ultimately agree with Elizabeth of Devoted Eclectic that it is a “thought-provoking and challenging, and a page-turning read.”
Bree of All The Books I Can Read writes, Overington, “has taken a subject and an issue and spun a story around it that encourages the reader to see beyond what is so often portrayed, to see the people inside the story and behind it.” and Monique of Write Note Reviews praises the author for “taking a topical issue and turning it into something readers can’t avoid.” Marg of The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader agreed with Heidi of ..butbooksarebetter who “thought that Overington’s choice of protagonist was extremely clever.” and Helen McKenna makes the point that Overington’s writing style is “simple and concise and very easy to read” .
AWW partcipants were invited to join TheReadingRoom and Caroline Overington in conversation and you can watch and listen to the discussion below.
About Me
My name is Shelleyrae Cusbert I am a mother of four children, aged 6 to 16, living in the mid north coast of NSW. I am an obsessive reader and publish my thoughts about what I read at my book blog, Book’d Out. In 2012 I read and reviewed a total of 109 books for the AWW Challenge (see obsessive!) and featured more than 35 Australian women writers. I juggle caring for my family with a part time job and volunteer at both the town’s local library and her children’s school library. While I have a degree in Education, I hope to gain a diploma in librarian studies in the near future.