Clan Destine Press is getting on board Australia’s biggest reading and reviewing challenge again.
To celebrate the third year of the Australian Women Writers Challenge, Australian genre publisher Clan Destine Press (CDP) is offering special discounts on all CDP paperbacks and eBooks to those taking the AWW challenge.
Last year the offer applied only to CDP’s women writers, but this year the offer extends to all authors.
CDP has over 40 titles across all genres: crime fiction, historical, fantasy, rural romance, action-thrillers, kids’ adventure fantasy, true crime and erotica.
For the AWW Challenge, readers can choose books by: Kerry Greenwood, A K Wrox, Lindy Cameron, Alison Goodman, Narrelle Harris, Rowena Cory Daniells, Sandy Curtis, Vikki Petraitis, FinJ Ross, Ruth Wykes, Jane Routley, Patricia Bernard, Helen Goltz, Tamsin Baker, Heather Garside, Cheryse Durrant, Jane Clifton, Emilie Collyer, Liz Filleul and soon Sarah Evans Sandi Wallace, Fin J Ross and Mary Borsellino.
So, if you’d like to make the most of CDP’s 35-50% off all titles – including latest releases – just follow this link to sign up for their Clan Destine GOLD newsletter which has all the info and the special offer codes: