Hey guys!
Here’s a wrap of of the AWW Challenge in 2014, focussing on reviews of YA Speculative Fiction. We had 98 reviews (last year we had 104), of books by 41 different authors (last year we had 47). This shows a slight decline in people reviewing YA SFF, but I hope we can beat these numbers in 2015!
The most reviewed authors were:
- Juliet Marillier (9 Reviews);
- Stacey Nash (7 Reviews);
- Amie Kaufman (7 Reviews); and
- Justine Larbalestier (7 Reviews)
Following closely behind were Paula Weston with 6 reviews and Jessica Shirvington with 5.
The highest number of reviews a book received was four, with Disruption by Jessica Shirvington, Razorhurst by Justine Larbalestier, The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina, and Remember Me by Stacey Nash taking out first place.
Books I wish had more reviews are:
- The Disappearance of Ember Crow (The Tribe #2) by Ambelin Kwaymullina – although the first book of the series has gotten quite a lot of attention, I haven’t seen any reviews of the sequel! The third book, The Foretelling of Georgie Spider, will be available later this year, so readers should catch up quickly!
- The Sky So Heavy by Claire Zorn – this apocalyptic read set in suburban Sydney will blow readers away, but it only got two reviews this year!
- Fairytales for Wilde Girls by Allyse Near – award winning and deliciously creepy, the buzz for this book has died off. I am saddened by this!
Books to look out for in 2015:
- Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean anthology edited by Kirsty Murray – February 2015 by Allen & Unwin
- Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) by Charlotte McConaghy – February 2015 by Random House AU
- The Hush by Skye Melki-Wegner – March 2nd 2015 by Random House AU
- Burn (The Rephaim #4) by Paula Weston – June 24th 2015 by Text Publishing
- Fearless (Avena #3) by Marianne Curley – July 1st 2015 by Bloomsbury Publishing
- Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff – November 2015 by Allen & Unwin
- Starbound #3 by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner – December 2015 by Allen & Unwin

If you want to keep up with Aussie YA releases in 2015, then download the handy-dandy checklist I’ve made as part of #OzYAChat (which is the fortnightly Twitter chat I run about all things Aussie YA).
I’ve made up a Goodreads list for all the Australian YA SpecFic. It’s by no means comprehensive – please feel free to add to it!
About Me
Hi! I’m Shaheen from Speculating on SpecFic, a book blog dedicated to works of speculative fiction – fantasy, science fiction, magic realism, paranormal romance and much more. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love reading and use my blog to peddle my love to others. When not reading (rare times indeed), I can be found completing my PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Thanks for the wrap-up, Shaheen, and for the list of books to look out for. (That’s a great idea.)
I don’t read as much of this genre as I should (or could), but I agree that The Sky So Heavy was wonderful & will continue to attract positive attention.
My ARC of Eat the Sky, Drink the Ocean turned up this week – it looks delicious.