As we head into Children’s Book Week, it’s great to see some wonderful reviews – plus links to something just a little bit different!


Brona’s Books looked at two books during the last month. First up was Mrs Dog, a picture book by Janeen Brian. This book looks at a retired farm dog who takes on the care of an orphaned lamb.

Mrs Dog is a tender, touching story. It’s full of hope, courage and kindness in all guises.

Dog stories like this resonate so strongly because they are not only based on true stories that we can relate to, but because they also remind us of our better natures.”

Brona also looked at  Joan of Arc: The Story of Jehanne Darc by Lili Wilkinson. This biography is a well researched look at Joan of Arc, a historical figure about whom we will probably always have more questions than answers. Brona mentions that she hasn’t read about Joan of Arc since her HSC days, but this book has inspired her to go looking for more.

Louise at A Strong Belief in Wicker reviewed Circle by Jeannie Baker, which is about migratory birds.

“As with any Jeannie Baker book there are a fabulous set of collages, 23 here. . . Children love pouring over illustrations with lots of detail and Jeannie Baker provides so much of it- there’s always a new detail awaiting discovery.”

Dark Matter Zine offers up a bit of a treat this month with two podcast interviews. One, with Wendy Orr discusses the book Dragonfly Song. The other, with Zana Fraillon talks about the book The Bone Sparrow.

Young Adult

every word - ellie marneyIn Young Adult this month, Cassandra reviewed the second and third book in Ellie Marney’s ‘Every’ series – Every Word and Every Move. This mystery/thriller trilogy places Sherlock Holmes inspiration into a YA Australian world. Cassandra highly encourages other readers to get their hands on the books, highlighting the realistic romance, sense of place, relationships and ‘Aussie-ness’ of the characters.

Rochelle reviewed Breathing Under Water by Sophie Hardcastle. This book examines the relationship between twins and what happens when tragedy strikes one of them:

“I feel a little bit broken after reading Breathing Under Water. It was so gut wrenching, so heart wrenching. I found it a hard to breathe while reading this book, so intertwined had I become with the main characters Grace and Ben and the huge life changing event they have to go through.” 

my sister rosa larbalestierMy Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier was reviewed by Jennifer. This novel explores Che’s searching for his place in the world while trying to keep his 10 year old sister under control. Jennifer enjoyed the novel immensely and highly recommends it to others.

Emily reviewed two books: The Interrogationof Ashala Wolf by  Ambelin Kwaymullina and Isla’s Inheritance by Cassandra Page.

Finally, Dark Matter Zine offered an interview with Sarah Ayoub.


The Inky Awards Shortlist was released yesterday with all the short listed books from Australian Women Writers. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Awards to be announced later this week.



Despite oMelina Dthers hinting that I am supposed to ‘grow up’ at some point, books for young people continue to play a huge part in my reading life. This has served me well, when I became a teacher and was known for always having a book recommendation at hand. I’m currently enjoying the rich world of picture books with my four year old and newborn, revisiting some of my favourite authors and reviewing books when I manage not to lose my blog . . .

