Welcome to the Children’s Round-Up for June, 2018.
It’s been very quiet here in the children’s corner this month, with only three books reviewed. However, there’s nothing better in this cold, wet weather than snuggling up with a child and a book, so keep your reviews coming this winter – we love to them share with our readers.
And now on to this month’s reviews. Please click on the highlighted links for further information.
Ashleigh Meikle @ The Book Muse reviewed Kensy and Max: Breaking News, by Jacqueline Harvey. Aimed at readers 8 years upwards, Ashleigh says it’s a promising start to a series, and is a fun and quick read. Using the Caesar Cipher at the back, she was able to unscramble the chapter titles. Kensy and Max features strong characters that will appeal to all readers. Kensy loves taking things apart to see how they work, and can put them back properly, and is rather feisty, whereas her brother is the calm to her storm, and has a photographic memory. The reveal at the end leads into the next book in the series, due out later this year.
Not So Scary Bear, by Ruth Waters, was reviewed by Rebecca Bowyer @ Seeing the Lighter Side. It is a gorgeously illustrated, funny and adorable picture book for young children about bravery, breaking stereotypes and being yourself. Every night Scary Bear roams the forest looking for other animals to terrify by roaring at them, as is expected of any self-respecting scary bear. Every day, however, he reverts to his normal self – Not So Scary Bear – and spends his time knitting quietly. The author wrote the story for her 2-year-old son, and Rebecca says it is fun to read, with vividly coloured pictures, and plenty to talk about.
The ever popular Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend, was reviewed by Cassandra Page. It’s the fourteenth review of this book which has been linked to our blog. Cassaranda’s review questions whether Nevermoor lives up to the frequent comparisons with the Harry Potter series. Initially skeptical of the comparison, her conclusion after reading the book (and giving it a detailed and positive review), is that she can see why the comparison is made.
We would love for to show your support of Australian Women Writers and link your book reviews (of any genre) to our blog. You can sign up here for the Australian Women Writer’s Challenge at any time.
About Marie:
In awe of words from an early age, reading, writing and banter have become an obsession of mine. As a mother of two (who are growing up faster than I’d like), I am passionate about instilling a long-lasting love of reading in children. I am excited about joining the AWW team and sharing my love of children’s literature with you.
I blog about books and my own fledgling writing journey at mariemclean.com. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Goodreads