Welcome to winter! After several months of low figures, this month, historical fiction is back to booming! We had 67 reviews on 40 book by 35 authors. You know what that means…we are all reading the same new releases! And there has been some really terrific new historical fiction releases of late, so I’m not surprised.
What are we all reading?
The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn – 8 reviews, 1 interview
The Forgotten Letters by Esther Durrant works incredibly well as a family mystery. It is also a stunning romance novel. The past and the present day characters enjoy their own unique romantic dalliances, which is represented with a depth of emotion by Kayte Nunn. There are a number of themes that underscore the romance and mystery aspect of this novel. Post-natal depression, PTSD, self-harm, mental illness, self-confidence, loneliness, jealousy and infidelity are just a hint of the themes that are explored in this moving novel. I surrendered myself completely to The Forgotten Letters by Esther Durrant and I was provided with the ultimate reward, a stunning conclusion and a reading experience that I am sure I won’t forget any time soon. – Amanda @ Mrs B’s Book Reviews
A Lifetime of Impossible Days by Tabitha Bird – 6 reviews, 1 interview
This is a compassionate, emotional journey of tragedy, trauma, loss, love, forgiveness, and hope. I was moved to tears more than once by A Lifetime of Impossible Days. Though sensitively handled, the pain of Willa’s experiences are at times overwhelming as Bird explores the experience of family violence and abuse, and its lasting repercussions. Yet those tears also came when the Willa’s achieved the seemingly impossible, for their courage, and strength. – Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
The Cinema at Starlight Creek by Alli Sinclair – 4 reviews, 1 interview
What a wonderful story Alli Sinclair has created in The Cinema at Starlight Creek. At its heart this is a story about following your dreams and your heart. It’s also about love, friendship, heartache, community and change and about having and being a voice for others. – Claire’s Reads and Reviews
The Postmistress by Alison Stuart – 4 reviews
The Postmistress by Aussie author Alison Stuart is the first of her writing which is set in Australia, and I loved it. Her research shines through, and her words at the end telling of the town of Maiden’s Creek and the inspiration for it, was really interesting. Adelaide is a strong character and Netty made me smile. The Postmistress is a thoroughly enjoyable historical fiction novel – with a gentle romance – which I have no hesitation in recommending. – Brenda @ Goodreads
Love and Other Battles by Tess Woods – 4 reviews
Tess Woods is an absolute master of human emotion. She convinced me of this with her first novel, confirmed it with her second, but this one, her third, is next level. Love and Other Battles is a novel for our times. It is a deeply affecting novel that explores the many ways in which a family can fracture and then knit itself back together. This is contemporary fiction at its finest and I am so grateful to Tess Woods for her bravery in writing a novel that takes readers right into the crux of current social and medical issues, things that so many of us are dealing with but keep quiet about for fear of judgment and contempt. – Theresa Smith Writes
Some honourable mentions:
The Fragments by Toni Jordan – 2 reviews
Allegra in Three Parts by Suzanne Daniel – 2 reviews
Veronica @ The Burgeoning Bookshelf
Stone Country by Nicole Alexander – 2 reviews
Fled by Meg Keneally – 2 reviews
Under the Midnight Sky by Anna Romer – 2 reviews
We also have a new reviewer this month, Dark Matter Zine, who has entered 9 reviews and 2 interviews into the database for historical fiction – thank you so much for this and welcome to the challenge!
That’s a wrap for this month. I hope you’re all staying warm and curled up with a pile of good books by your side. If your life still runs by school terms and school holidays, enjoy the upcoming winter break! Until next time…
The Historical Novel Society of Australasia is once again holding a conference. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, visit their conference webpage here.
About Theresa: Writer, avid reader, keen reviewer, book collector, drinker of all tea blends originating from Earl Grey, and modern history enthusiast. I enjoy reading many genres but have a particular interest in historical fiction. You can find me and all of my book related news and reviews at Theresa Smith Writes, Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter @TessSmithWrites.
Wow, 67. How excellent is that. I haven’t read any of the books you note here, though there are a few I’d like to. Close but no cigar as they say!
I actually double checked the date range in case I’d mistakenly entered for two months!
great roundup, quite a few there I still have to get to
So many good new releases these last few months! Although I probably say that this time every year!