by Agnes Murphy (1865-1931)
On Wednesday, Teresa Pitt posted an article on this fascinating author, in which she referred to the following poem. Published posthumously in June 1831, it was prefaced by this editorial note: “This, the last and one of the few poems the late Agnes Murphy wrote, was written to and for, one very, very dear to her. We are privileged to being able to publish the poem here for the first time.” As Teresa commented, “One wonders…whether the editor of the Advocate quite understood the message of the poem.”
To Aimee
In a dream I heard a message
From the Herald of the night,
And he said, “Your task is over,
Here no longer need you hover,
For your love no more will need you,
She has conquered in the fight.”
Then I breathed her name in sadness,
And in silence sped away.
Through the realms of darkest distance,
Till at last with fond insistence
My cold lips gave forth the pleading, –
“With my darling let me stay.”
“In that sphere,” he answered gently,
“She will never need you more.
Come with me beyond the border,
There by loving service, order
That when she shall quit life’s harbour,
There’ll be light across the way.”
“At the gate of God’s high altar,
You will, wait and watch and pray,
Joy for her you loved so purely,
Till a tender Christ will surely
Hear your pleading for the loved one
You have left so far away.
“You will say, “I loved her dearly,
More than life or death could prove.”
And our gracious Lord in pity,
Pointing to the Heavenly City,
Will cry “Peace! You both may enter,
Know you not that God is Love?”
Agnes Murphy, “To Aimee“, The advocate, 18 Jun 1931: 7.