Short fiction and poetry: Jan and Feb 2015

In the first two months of the challenge for 2015, we are playing favourites. We have provided the stage and you have told us the program for this vaudeville variety show and who should strut and tread the boards to high acclaim. I am going to have to dust off my top...
Poetry & Short fiction: 2014 wrap up

Poetry & Short fiction: 2014 wrap up

Sometimes the best things come in small bits and pieces, in little bites and nibbles. It is an art form in itself to attempt to convey what you want to say in a storyline that is restricted by a word limit and yet still have the words sing. It’s difficult to...
Nonfiction: the 2014 wrap up

Nonfiction: the 2014 wrap up

The Australian Women Writers challenge received 1578 reviews in 2014. The majority of the books reviewed are, of course, fiction. But we over here in our little nonfiction corner of the challenge are not doing too badly ourselves. And what you will find is that we...