by Marg | Oct 6, 2014 | Round-ups
Welcome to the wrap up for August and September for romance, romantic suspense and erotica (although to be fair we don’t seem to get a lot of reviews for the last of those categories). Over the last couple of months there have been several authors who have been...
by Marg | Aug 4, 2014 | Round-ups
Romance continues to be well represented as a genre by participants in the challenge this year. In these last two months alone there have been 50 reviews of romance novels which have been linked to the challenge which is quite an impressive number. One of the...
by Marg | Jun 16, 2014 | Round-ups
It’s been a while since I posted a Historical Fiction wrap up for which I apologise! It has been interesting to look at three months worth of data instead of a month at a time though! That doesn’t mean to say I intend to leave it quite so long until the...
by Marg | Jun 3, 2014 | Round-ups
If there is one thing that we can rely on, it is that our romance readers will provide us with a consistently high number of reviews of books for the challenge, and May was no exception. It is always interesting to see the number of different authors that are read...
by Marg | Apr 7, 2014 | Round-ups
Welcome to the March roundup. I will give fair warning that this is going to be a long post! Not only am I going to be talking about the books that were read and reviewed for the challenge in March I am also going to be talking about the 2013 Australian Romance...