by Ashleigh Meikle | Dec 15, 2021 | Round-ups, Yearly wrap-up
Since 2011, the volunteer-led Australian Women Writers Challenge has sought to promote the writing of Australian women of all backgrounds and from all eras, as many participants read as many as they can over the course of twelve months, and several of us working in...
by whisperinggums | Dec 8, 2021 | Round-ups
As many of you know by now, AWW is changing focus next year to older women writers, that is, to 19th- and 20th-century authors who may not have achieved prominence in their lifetimes, or whose works have been forgotten and/or overlooked. This is not to say that...
by TheresaSmithWrites | Dec 5, 2021 | Round-ups
It’s not been that long since you last heard from me but Christmas is approaching and I have a feeling that if I don’t write up this final post sooner rather than later, it just won’t happen. The news has been filtering out, but in case you...
by Jenny Mustey | Dec 3, 2021 | Round-ups
As I write this tonight I can hear thunder and lightning, so much stormy weather around us at the moment. Our year has certainly thrown us many curve balls and the unpredictable weather has added to it. One thing that has remained a positive throughout the year has...
by Claire Holderness | Dec 2, 2021 | Round-ups
Hello, I’m so sorry for missing October, life just got in the way and before I knew it poof, the first Wednesday disappeared into a time vortex. But this is a super post, and possibly the last because AWW is changing direction next year. I may do a final roundup...
by Janine Rizzetti | Nov 24, 2021 | Round-ups
October was another good month, with thirteen books reviewed, many of them not mentioned in Round Ups previously. The two that had been previously highlighted were Tanya Heaslip’s An Alice Girl which Jennifer Cameron-Smith reviewed here and Kathryn...