Indigenous authors

Selected female award-winning Indigenous Australian authors and others who have been reviewed for the AWW challenge or who appear on Anita Heiss’s Black Book Challenge (BBC) list. Note: if we have made a wrong attribution or have ommitted an author from our database who should appear below, our apologies. Please let us know.

Click on the authors’ names to find out which of their works have been reviewed for the challenge so far.
*Denotes it hasn’t been reviewed (as of 3 Oct 2016).
** Denotes a book which hasn’t been reviewed and is on on Anita Heiss’s BBC list.

If you know other authors who could be included here, please leave a comment in the contact form below.

You might also want to read Ambelin Kwaymullina’s guest post for AWW, which includes recommendations of five books by Indigenous women writers.
