by whisperinggums | Jul 8, 2020 | Round-ups
And so we reach the end of the first half of what has been the weirdest year in a long time (not to mention the worst year for me in a long time.) Nonetheless, we are still reading and so I have a monthly round-up for you. (Not so) Jolly June It seems that most of us,...
by whisperinggums | Jun 10, 2020 | Round-ups
Things are very difficult in my life at present with my ageing parents needing a lot of care, so this post will be short – but I did want to do it rather than try to play catch-up. Forgive me for the brevity. Marvellous May We had 5 more reviews in May than...
by whisperinggums | May 15, 2020 | Round-ups
Are the last two months as much of a blur for you as they are for me? A blur in that the days seemed so much the same that they are hard to differentiate? Luckily, in Australia, we are now able to gradually relax some of our restrictions. I wonder how everyone is...
by whisperinggums | Apr 8, 2020 | Round-ups
How quickly things change. Last month we were just getting a hint here in Australia that we might have to restrict our lives. A month later, and we are all au fait with flattening the curve, PPEs and Zoom meetings. We hope all our lovely challenge participants are...
by whisperinggums | Mar 11, 2020 | Round-ups
You know the year has really started when the awards start coming think and fast – and so I can tell you with confidence that the year has really started! Check out all the awards announced since last post at the end of this one! February’s figures Our...