Speculative Fiction Round-up: May 2021

Speculative Fiction Round-up: May 2021

Nearly halfway through the year already, and May was a big month for speculative fiction with 28 books reviewed which is just fabulous. This is a longer round-up this month and I still haven’t been able to cover them all. Mic Loves Books and I, Claire’s...
Children and Young Adult Round up: February 2021

Children and Young Adult Round up: February 2021

We’re into March now, and in Australia, we’re living in a COVID-normal world of check-ins, tests, and social distancing. Yet we are still reading, and our numbers for younger readers and young adult books are tracking to be fairly similar. We had ten reviews for...
Children and Young Adult Round Up: August 2020

Children and Young Adult Round Up: August 2020

July had an explosion in reviews for children’s books– twenty-five–but a fall in young adult reviews–down to two. One book reviewed has been entered several times since it came out. This is an interesting trend, seeing what books, genres and audiences are read more at...
Children and Young Adult Round Up: May 2020

Children and Young Adult Round Up: May 2020

Welcome to the May 2020 Round Up. We were still in some kind of lockdown, but things started to ease a little – we could go to the shops and get take away, but were still working from home and I think learning from home. Heading into June, things are getting much...