by Stories from the Archive | Mar 31, 2023 | Article
Last week I was out walking up the North Shore line, when I came to the bottom of a steep path suddenly, and – it all seems like a dream. Half an hour from the city, and you leave the red red road, and turn away westward. The path falls steeply, falls, falls,...
by Stories from the Archive | Jan 27, 2023 | Article
by M Hamilton Mack (1870-1935) On Wednesday Sue T discussed the life and some of the work of Louise Mack, Tasmanian-born novelist and poet, journalist, war correspondent, and public lecturer. In the following article from 1925, Mack gives us a glimpse of...
by whisperinggums | Jan 25, 2023 | Article
by Whispering Gums An article on the Tasmanian-born novelist and poet, journalist, war correspondent, and public lecturer, Louise Mack. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
by Elizabeth Lhuede | Jan 11, 2023 | Article, Round-ups
by Elizabeth Lhuede In 2022 we marked our 10-year anniversary of the AWW challenge blog and started in a new direction: looking at well-known and overlooked Australian women writers of the 19th and early-to-mid 20th centuries. Our small team of three expanded to...
by whisperinggums | Dec 28, 2022 | Article
by Whispering Gums A departure from our focus on Australian Women Writers to a story about a book club for rural readers that was established and strongly supported by city women for several decades. ...
by whisperinggums | Nov 30, 2022 | Article
Born Jessie Huybers in London in 1848, Tasma (as she later styled herself) came to Hobart, Australia, with her parents in 1852. Her family was apparently among the more prominent in Hobart, with their friends including successful author Louisa Meredith (1812-1895) and...