by Janine Rizzetti | Aug 23, 2017 | Round-ups
Reviews of books in the ‘history, memoir and biography’ genre remained constant for July, with nineteen books reviewed over the month .There were insightful reviews on books that have been mentioned in round-ups earlier this year, including Anna...
by ladyredjess | Oct 6, 2015 | Article, Guest Posts
As part of AWW’s commitment to diversity, we’re holding a focus on lesbian/queer women writers over October. Our first guest post comes from Inga Simpson, a Queensland novelist and nature writer. Inga’s first novel, Mr Wigg, was published following her participation...
by Annabel Smith | Feb 13, 2015 | Interviews
Inga Simpson is the author of Mr Wigg and Nest. She has been shortlisted for an Indie Award and longlisted for the Dobbie Award. (Update: Nest has also just been longlisted for The Stella Prize!) Simpson holds a PHD in Creative Writing and a Masters in English...