by ladyredjess | Apr 28, 2018 | Round-ups
The great celebration today is that we have many exciting, diverse voices in the world of Australian letters. We encompass the world right here in our literature. And even in this shortlist that has been judged as being some of the very best of women’s literature...
by ladyredjess | Feb 27, 2018 | Round-ups
Reviews of works by Australian women writers that feature diversity include those by authors who identify as having a disability, who are Indigenous, of migrant heritage, or are LGBTQI. They also include works that feature characters or themes who identify or grapple...
by Elizabeth Lhuede | Jun 11, 2017 | Interviews, Spotlights
Today we feature Lee Winter, whose speculative fiction book Shattered (Ylva) was released this week. Welcome, Lee, and thanks for participating in Sunday Spotlight. What is your favourite character from one of your books and why? Requiem, aka Natalya Tsvetnenko, from...