Myra Morris, Come wind and come rain! (poem)

Myra Morris, Come wind and come rain! (poem)

by Myra Morris (1893-1966) In this Wednesday’s post on Women’s Nights held by the Australian Literary Society, we named some of the papers and activities that were presented. These included recitations of poems by contemporary poets, including Victorian-born Myra...
Agnes Murphy, To Aimee (poetry)

Agnes Murphy, To Aimee (poetry)

by Agnes Murphy (1865-1931) On Wednesday, Teresa Pitt posted an article on this fascinating author, in which she referred to the following poem. Published posthumously in June 1831, it was prefaced by this editorial note: “This, the last and one of the few poems...
Bella Lavender, Mrs Pankhurst: sonnet

Bella Lavender, Mrs Pankhurst: sonnet

by Bella Lavender, née Guerin (1858-1953) Sonnet (suggested by the W.P.A. cable to the Albert Hall meeting on 10th April, 1913) by Bella Lavender, M.A. More free art thou in prison than the race Of sordid men who sell for gain or greed Our free-born sisters in their...