by Claire Holderness | Jul 7, 2021 | Round-ups
6 months down already and what a year it has been in so many ways. June had 11 books reviewed, (3 of those were children’s books) and linked to the AWW site. First up is Waking Romeo by Kathryn Barker reviewed by me Claire’s Reads and Reviews I really...
by Claire Holderness | May 5, 2021 | Round-ups
Well, April flew by, for me anyway, despite the ups and downs with Covid. It was nice to be able to get lost in some good books. 10 books were reviewed during April. Cass Moriarty reviewed the new release Dirt Circus League by Maree Kimberley. She says, “This is...
by Claire Holderness | Apr 7, 2021 | Round-ups
Hello again, a quarter of the year gone already, it seems like it was the new year only the other day. March saw 17 books reviewed which is pretty good, it’s good to see some new books on the list. First up is a book I have out of the library at the moment, I...