by Narelle Ontivero | Oct 28, 2017 | Article, Guest Posts
Tasma, a little-known literary gem of colonial Australia, was the pseudonym of Jessie Catherine Huybers, later Mrs Charles Fraser, and afterwards Mrs Auguste Couvreur. As her collection of names suggest, Tasma lived an extraordinarily unconventional life as she...
by Narelle Ontivero | Aug 12, 2017 | Article, Guest Posts
“The girlie loves her bath but the minute I take her out she screams and screams till by the time I have her dressed she has me reduced to tears also. Then she smiles complacently as if that were her sole object and falls into a lovely sleep. She and I both had an...
by Narelle Ontivero | Apr 1, 2017 | Article, Guest Posts
Next in our classic author series, doctoral candidate Narelle Ontivero discusses the work and life of Rosa Praed. Born on 27 March in 1851, Rosa Praed lived her formative years in the country town of Bromelton, Queensland. In her autobiographical work, My Australian...