by ladyredjess | Oct 27, 2016 | Article, Guest Posts
The third writer for our focus on Australian women writers of migrant heritage this month is Michelle Cahill. Michelle writes poetry, fiction and essays and is the editor of Mascara. She has received grants from the Australia Council and the Copyright Agency. She won...
by ladyredjess | Oct 11, 2016 | Article, Guest Posts
For our focus on Australian women writers of migrant heritage, we were delighted to feature Eileen Chong’s poetic essay about mother tongues and multilingualism. Our next guest poster is the wonderful Lee Kofman. Lee is a Russian-born Israeli-Australian...
by ladyredjess | May 7, 2015 | Round-ups
Over April we were thrilled to publish guest posts from three Australian women writers of ethnic heritage: Queenie Chan, Marisa Wikramanayake and Maxine Beneba Clarke. They each wrote on very distinct aspects of their identity, from the representation of girls in...
by Marisa Wikramanayake | Apr 14, 2015 | Article, Guest Posts
Over April we’re holding a focus on Australian women writers with ethnic heritage, and today we’re very excited to publish a guest post from writer Marisa Wikramanayake. Marisa was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka and has played hopscotch around the world,...
by ladyredjess | Apr 7, 2015 | Article, Guest Posts
Over April we’re holding a focus on Australian women writers with ethnic heritage, and today we’re very excited to publish a guest post from graphic novelist Queenie Chan. Queenie was born in Hong Kong in 1980 and migrated to Australia when she was six...